Easy On Me |amanda|

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Based on the song be Adele

As I'm walking through the aisles, I catch a glimpse of someone out the corner of my eye. "Amanda?" I call out, not too loudly in case it isn't actually her. I see her head turn quickly and her gaze wanders before landing on me. She squints her eyes and I approach her slowly. "Y/n?" she says incredulously, "in the flesh" I giggle.

"Wow..." she breathes out, "it's been a minute" I tease and she nods with a sigh. "So... back visiting your parents?" I ask, pretty much rhetorically because why else would she be back here. "Yep. You?" she asks and I don't miss the way she shifts slightly on her feet. "Fixing up my old house. I'm selling it soon" I answer and her eyes widen.

"Really? I can't believe it! You love that house..." she sighs, a mixture of sadness and confusion in her tone. "Yeah, well... it's time to move on" I shrug, "I get that" she mumbles. "Anyways, what are you up to today?" I ask cheerfully, wanting to lighten the mood a little. "Nothing really... I was just looking for some snacks. My parents are out fishing today" she rolls her eyes.

"Ah yes... your dad did love fishing" I recall, "still does. I think it's an addiction honestly, I'm concerned" she chuckles. "Well at least it makes him happy" I point out, "very true" she agrees. "...What about you? What are you doing today, I mean" she inquires. "I was just doing the same, getting something to snack on" I voice and she nods slowly.

"I was thinking of going to the lake... wanna come with? We could catch up" I suggest, "yeah... that'd be great actually. I just got in today and my parents kinda upped and left, you know how they like routine" she sighs dramatically. "I certainly do" I hum, "let's grab some things first" she proposes and I agree.

After getting various snacks we leave with a bag each and get in my car, leaving hers at the store. The drive is short and sweet, I park in the unmarked lot and turn off the car. We both get out and instinctually head to a big rock that overlooks the lake. "Some things never change..." she sighs, looking out over the water.

"Very rare, but greatly appreciated" I add, "indeed" she hums. We open our bags and I pull out some chips and candy. I hold up the bag of sweets to her and she smiles widely. "You remembered" she whispers, "how could I forget?" I smirk. I open it and sit it between us as we talk for a bit.

At some point, the conversation comes to a natural stop and I reach my hand in the bag. She, coincidentally, does the same and our fingers brush each other's. I look down and glance up to see her stare into my eyes. I slowly remove my hand and she grabs the candy, finally tearing her gaze away from me.

"I missed you..." I sigh, "I missed you too" she mutters. "You never told me you were leaving" I voice, my mind still wanting answers despite me convincing myself for years that I'd let it go. "You'd have never let me go" she points out, "are you happy, at least?" I counter. Not being able to deny what she said but not wanting to admit it either.

"...no" she smiles sadly, "why not?" I ask softly and worried at her sudden change of mood. "I shouldn't have left. I was young... I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't have time to choose. I should've told you... you would've talked some sense into me" she mumbles, playing with her fingers nervously.

I take one of her hands in mind and squeeze it reassuringly. "You can't change the past, Amanda. You left for opportunity, experiences, a change. You got that. It's ok if you don't like it... you can always change again. And again... and again. A million times if you want to. Everyone makes mistakes and, as long as you learn something from them, it's not a loss" I assure her.

"When did you get so smart?" she chuckles, wiping a single tear that fell onto her rosy cheek. "Eh, I was always smart. You just had a way of making me lose my train of thought" I tease, "very funny" she deadpans before giggling. "I'm serious. And also... I'm glad you left" I say painfully, "really? I always thought you'd be pissed" she admits.

"You know me well. At first I was... until I stepped aside and accepted that it wasn't about me. You were finally doing something for you. I grew to admire your bravery, you're fearlessness. Though I knew you'd be scared, you did it anyway and that's what matters" I explain. "Thank you... it means a lot—more than you know" she sighs as if a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

"Oh I know. Your mind is like a running train... you probably thought I'd hate you. Truth be told, despite my anger, I could never hate you... Mandy" I say as I poke her side, "ugh. You know I hated when you called me that" she scoffs. "Precisely why I did it, sugar plum" I joke, "thin ice, baby. Thin. Ice" she states playfully with her finger close to my face.

I lean forward as if to bite it and she quickly retracts her hand, placing in on her chest in fake shock. "You know... I'm proud of the person you've become. You're still playful at heart, despite what you've gone through. You're an inspiration" I mumble, "stop. I'm far from that" she waves dismissively but I grab her hand and pull it in my lap.

She turns to face me and pouts a little as I stare at her. "I mean it, Amanda. I really admire you. I know you left because of your parents... I noticed the difference, even if I didn't mention it. I figured you'd come to me, if you needed it, and you'd figure it out. You're a survivor, I really am proud of you and I mean that from the bottom of my heart" I express sincerely.

"I did need you... I just didn't want to admit it at the time" she whispers, "it's ok. I didn't take it personal... once I stopped making it about me. I know it's hard for you to trust people sometimes, a lot of them have let you down. But we're in this together, we always have been. Even when we were apart, we're always in each others hearts" I reassure her.

"That's so cheesy... did you read that on a fortune cookie or something?" she giggles softly, "nope. Straight out the old noggin. When are you gonna realize how wise I am, madam?" I say trying not to laugh but failing miserably. "You sure are something" she mutters, "then I guess you are too" I reply.

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