Jitters |a.t|

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CW: body image issues, restrictive eating, anxiety

As I stir from sleep I notice the bed is empty and cold. I groan and flip over, keeping my eyes closed a little longer. Finally, I bite the bullet and crack open my eyes to check the time on the bedside clock. 6:57am good lord. I force myself out the bed, wrapping one of Audrey's robes around me before heading downstairs.

I search around for her before finally finding her in the home gym. "Babe... what are you doing?" I ask groggily as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. She stops her actions, having been doing crunches before I walked in. "Just something to get the blood flowing" she mumbles, "can you come back to bed? I wanna cuddle" I whine.

"Sorry, baby, no can do" she sighs, "ugh" I grumble before walking off. I don't waste my time trying to convince her, I know she'll just leave again once I fall back asleep. I fall back into bed and quickly go back to dreamland after wrapping myself tightly in the covers.

a few hours later...

I wake up again, the sun shining brightly through the curtains. Now I feel rested enough to start my day. I get up and strip out the robe, turning on the shower and quickly brushing my teeth as it heats up. Once I've finished lathering my body, and rinsing off, I step out and wrap a towel around my body.

I get dressed and as I'm heading out the bedroom, Audrey almost bumps into me. "Sorry" she mutters, continuing to enter the room but I stop her. "Darling, I'm sweaty. I need to shower" she complains, "that doesn't exempt you from a kiss" I giggle. She sighs and leans down to place a peck on my lips.

"You ok, baby?" I ask, noticing that she's acting kinda off today. "I'm fine, honey" she replies softly before disappearing into the bathroom. I shrug it off and head to the kitchen to make us something to eat. Knowing Audrey, she probably forgot to eat and I'd rather not have her pass out.

As I'm finishing up, she comes downstairs fully dressed for the day. "I'm almost done with the food" I inform, "oh, thank you, but I'm not hungry. I have to run some errands, so I have to get going" she states. She starts making her way to the door and I pout as I watch her reach it. She stops and turns around causing me to fix my face.

She jogs back over and places a passionate kiss on my lips. After pulling away she gently runs her hand along my cheek, giving me one last peck before leaving. "Bye" I whisper after the door is closed. I take off enough for me to eat and pack away the rest. Finishing my food before washing the dishes.

I start tidying up the house and end up in the office. As I'm organizing the desk my eye catches something on the calendar. Emmy's at 8pm is circled in red and I realize it's on todays date. Everything starts to make sense now and I kick myself for forgetting in the first place.

By the time I'm all finished it's 3pm and I hear the door open. I jog downstairs to meet Audrey, her skin glowing in the dim sunlight shining through the house. "You look beautiful, my love" I say, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. I don't want to mention the event as I know it's already worrying her.

"Thank you" she replies with a soft smile on her face, "but you look even more beautiful" she gushes. "Come. I set some food aside for you" I say, dragging her to the kitchen. "I'm still not really hungry" she sighs, "that's too bad. You're gonna eat" I state. She smiles weakly and just nods her head, sitting at the island as I heat it up.

I make quite a bit so I can eat with her, as I know it'll make her feel better. I sit next to her after setting it down and hand her a fork. She hesitantly takes it out my hands and I take the first bite off the plate. She soon follows and eventually it's all gone. I can see the look in her eyes as I take the fork out her hand and I sigh to myself.

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