Ride the waves |b.d.h & c.g|

320 11 13

Billie's pov
"This is never going to work" my girlfriend sighs as we take the bags out the car, "I thought you were supposed to be the optimist out of the two of us" I smirk, "within reason, Howard" she scoffs playfully. We set the bags down in our chosen spot on the sand and start to lay out the blanket. "Delia come on... just be positive! I know for a fact this will be good" I promise her.

"Mhm sure" she mumbles before taking her place on the blanket and sighing. I sit beside her and nudge her to which she playfully glares at me. I pull her in by her shirt, smirking as her eyes fully lock on mine like a missile to a target. "You can't stay mad at me" I whisper as my gaze drops to her lips, "you're right—I'm mad that you're right" she huffs.

"Can you still kiss me when you're mad at me? I mean... angry sex is the best" I tease and she kisses me just to shut me up. I reach my hand under her shirt and caress her waist leading to her moaning quietly into the kiss. I pull away and she sighs softly, "better?" I taunt and she nods absently.

I put my other hand under her shirt, pulling it over her head. "The only time it's appropriate for me to undress you in public" I chuckle and she shakes her head in amusement. She already sprayed on her sunscreen before we left the house because she burns easily. So she takes my shirt off and motions for me to lay down so she can put mine on.

Truth be told, I never used to wear this stuff but Delia is so conscious of things like this that she always makes me. I don't utter a rebuttal, not wanting to tease the blonde any further. As she spreads it on my back I survey the surroundings, my head laying on top of my folded hands. "What about her?" I ask, motioning with my head to a girl passing by, "nah too classy" she mumbles.

The girl in question is wearing a little wrap around her waist, a one-piece covering most of her body. She wears a big hat and shades as well, carrying a big wooden-plastic bag. "Hey! What's that supposed to mean? She just wants to be protected from the sun" I protest as I turn to look back at her, "hey, hey, now. Don't take it personal classy lady. It's just that... she's not my type" she says funnily before pushing me back down.

"Fine" I grumble, not really being agitated as she's not my type either honestly. "Ouuhh what about her?" Delia's points out as I get up since she's done, I turn to look at the girl and examine her head to toe. She wears denim short shorts and a long button up over top, carrying her platform sandals in her hand. There's a very small bag under her arm, clear but frosted, with undefinable contents.

"Uh uh. Too mysterious" I say absently, "too mysterious? Now what's that supposed to mean" she chuckles. "I don't know. See my point" I reply funnily as I turn to look at her and she rolls her eyes playfully. I get so caught up in admiring my beautiful girlfriend in her dark red bikini, that I don't hear a word she says after.

"Billie!" she exclaims and I shake my head, "huh?" I hum confused. "Well she's gone now, silly" she giggles, "sorry... I got... distracted" I whisper as I lean closer and pull the little string in between the covers on her breasts. "Stop it! You'll make them come loose" she whines, "I'm ok with that" I mumble as I go to kiss her neck but she pushes me away.

"You're ok with the whole beach seeing my boobs" she cocks an eyebrow and I frown. "On second thought... no. No one gets to see what's mine" I state firmly before taking her lips, gently bitting her bottom one. "I love it when you're possessive" she whimpers and I bite my lip as I smile. "But... you'll potentially have to share me if we actually find someone today" she reminds me and I grumble a bit.

"That's different. I'll get to know her first... make sure she'll treat my baby right" I point out and she blushes lightly, "ok ok enough. Save the flirting for the one" she jokes. "But you are the one" I tease her back and she shoves me a bit, using her hand to turn my head back towards the beach. We continue to look, each girl being too much or too little of something.

I eventually take out the little chair I brought, pulling out my book for a little break. I put on my shades as well, not wanting to be caught just looking at random people. I glance up for a moment but my gaze quickly snaps back when I spot her. My eyes instantly glue onto her form as she sways quickly side to side.

Her knees slightly bent, feet somehow planted to the board. She rides the waves like a pro, her hands out to keep balance. I almost think she's going to fall as her body swiftly turns the surfboard under the wave. The water towers over her, casting a small shadow over her form. I can't exactly see what she's wearing, since there's a t-shirt covering her top half, but it's fully soaked through so I can at least tell she's wearing a white swimsuit underneath.

As she darts through and above various waves, her shirt sways and I notice she's wearing a two-piece; the bottom barely covering anything. She finally washes to shore and I feel a nudge on my shoulder, breaking me out my trance. "You couldn't be more obvious, dear" Delia giggles, "I'm sorry but h-have you seen her?" I stutter slightly. "Oh trust me, I did" she replies funnily.

I look back but I don't see her, I frown, turning my head to look for her. I realize she's right beside us, drying her hair as she's knelt on her blanket underneath an umbrella. I stare at her doe-eyed, watching her every movement as she finally sits down properly. "You might as well go over and speak now" the blonde giggles and I nudge her a bit harder than usual which only makes her laugh more.

I turn back to see her looking at us, probably having been alerted by Delia's laughter. I smile softly, trying not to be awkward and she returns it; though hers translates more like a smirk. "Cute swimsuit" she calls over and I look back, thinking she's talking to someone else. "No, no, I'm talking to you" she assures me and I even go as far as to point to myself, she nods cutely while giggling.

I look down at myself, seeing my favorite bathing suit; a brownish/bronze two-piece. "Thank you. I saw you out there... you're good—more than good" I just had to come up with something to keep the conversation going. "Why thank you" she bows her head a little and I chuckle at her silliness. She's perfect. I look back at Delia who has the same look on her face and I know she agrees.

"This is Cordelia, I'm Billie" I introduce us confidently and the girl stands up, walking over to us. "Nice to meet you guys, I'm Edith but my friends call me Edie" she tells us, "and we should call you..." I tease as I regain my confidence. "Edie. I hope we'll be friends" she replies with a teasing lilt to her voice too, "Edie it is" I decide.

I offer her to sit on our blanket and she agrees, cuddling her legs beneath her. We talk and talk for hours about any and everything. She makes sure to include Delia too and asks her questions, which only makes my fondness for her grow. We tell her that we're together and I watch her reaction but she doesn't change at all.

She's still playful and flirts with us both, exciting me even further. Delia gets her number before we leave and I pack the things in the car with a big smile on my face. As we get in, it's silent and I turn to look at the blonde in the passenger seat. She locks eyes with me and I smirk, "you owe me 20 bucks" I chuckle to which she rolls her eyes.

She made a bet with me last night that we wouldn't find anyone suitable today—newsflash: she was wrong. "I wasn't being serious!" she exclaims but I tut and put my hand out. "I don't have it on me" she claims, "there's an atm not far from here" I joke as I back out. "What if I repay you... in another form" she whispers as her hand grips my thigh, "your debt will be forgiven and then some" I reply as I speed up towards home.

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