Use your words |b.d.h|

423 19 8

CW: slight jealousy/possessive behavior, mommy kink, and pda

We have a dinner tonight with Cordelia since she's in town and I'm excited. We haven't seen her in a while and I always love being around her. She has such a good spirit and in general is just great to be around. Despite being—quite literally—the most powerful witch on earth, she's very down to earth and extremely funny.

I turn to see Billie biting her lip and staring at my butt. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" I joke, "I don't need a picture... I can touch" she mumbles as she takes steps to close the gap between us. She pulls me into her by my waist and I sigh as her hands drop to my ass. "You look gorgeous" she whispers, pressing her lips gently against mine and I melt into her.

"If you don't stop we'll be late" I breathe out as her kisses move to my neck. "Oh we wouldn't want that, now would we?" she whispers against my neck "uh uh" I hum in response. Soon enough she pulls away but not before placing once last kiss on my lips. I intertwine our fingers and allow her to lead us downstairs and to the car.

Once we arrive and enter the restaurant, the hostess takes us over to our table. It's in a more secluded area but still in the main dining room. I sit next to Billie and we browse for drinks while we wait for Cordelia to arrive. "Are you drinking tonight, baby?" Billie asks and I tilt my head back and forth as I think. "Maybe some wine? Nothing heavy" I answer and she nods while looking at the selections.

"Red?" she suggests with a smirk, "I see what you're trying to do, Ms.Howard" I reply with a smirk of my own. Billie knows how red wine makes me... I rarely drink it when we go out, unless we're going right back home. "So that's a yes..." she mutters, her hand resting lightly on my thigh. "Sure, whatever you want" I breathe out, "good girl" she answers and I lick my lips.

"Sorry I'm late" I turn to see the blonde quickly sliding into the other side of the booth and I smile. "No worries" Billie assures her, "nice to see you. You look amazing" I voice softly. "Thank you, sweetheart. You look beautiful as always" she replies, her eyes briefly trailing what's visible over the table.

"And Billie... fabulous as expected" the other blonde chuckles, "I try" Billie jokes. The waitress comes over and, since Delia already knows what she wants, we all order. "So... how've you been? How are the girls?" I ask excitedly, not being able to hide how eager I am to hear about her life. She always has such interesting stories and it's cool to see the way her eyes light up.

She has a way of speaking that just hooks you in from the very start. Everything from the way her eyes twinkle, how her voice changes tone, the slight gestures of her hands. In fact, it almost feels like you're under a spell hearing her talk of her passions. As she tells stories about our time apart, Billie's hand settles on my thigh.

I place my hand atop hers and continue listening to Delia. The drinks come out and we stop momentarily to grab them before picking back up. "Geez, I've just been talking non-stop since I got here! How are you guys?" she chuckles, glancing between us and I turn to Billie. She looks a bit tense so I gently squeeze her hand and she smiles.

"We've been good" Billie answers to which Delia raises an eyebrow, her gaze shifting to me. I proceed to tell her about all the filming Bil has been doing and my writing. She listens intently, taking sips of her drink, and maintaining eye contact. I can't deny the way it makes me feel, I always get nervous when she does this.

I'm not very good at eye contact and it typically makes me uncomfortable. Yet, with her, I always seem to melt and just spill everything. I feel Billie's hand trail up my thigh before tightly squeezing it and I clear my throat. I reach to take a sip of my wine, realizing after swallowing it that I've just finished my second glass.

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