The After Party ^^^

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The six take their respective seats in the room on the couch. Darla and Billie taking the longer couch, Delia and Martina on the love seat, and Ally with her partner on the lounge chair. With a small bar off to the side and double doors behind them, the groups settled into the atmosphere of the room.

"So... a movie?" Billie suggests as she uses her nails to gently stroke Darla's exposed thigh. "I'm down" Tiara says, snuggling closer to Ally who smiles down at her. "Dee?" Billie prompts, "uhh yeah" she mumbles absently as Martina whispers in her ear. "I'll get snacks" Martina offers, showing herself to the little kitchen/bar.

"Get me another drink, will you, darling?" Billie asks, "me too, sweetheart. God knows I need it" Delia chimes in—muttering the last piece to herself. "Sure thing" the brunette answers, turning on the popcorn machine and grabbing the alcohol. "You seem tense, baby" Tiara whispers to Ally and the brunette's gaze quickly shifts to her girlfriend.

"No, no. I'm just... worked up" she whispers lowly, "mmm" the nun hums mischievously. "I could fix that..." she offers, "n-not here" Ally replies nervously. "Why not? I'm sure they wouldn't mind" she continues, running her hand to the senator's inner thigh. "Here you go" Martina says as she comes back with the drinks before retrieving the popcorn.

There's a bowl for every couple and she passes them out, swaying her hips teasingly. "Anything else I can get for you guys?" she asks softly, "mm no. I think that'll be all, darling... for now" Billie teases while her eyes trail the woman's body. Martina smirks and returns to her spot next to Delia while Darla grabs the remote.

"Horror? Rom-Com? Sci-fi? What are we looking for?" she prompts while turning the big flat screen on. "Whatever you like, babe" Tiara answers, not really directed at anybody in particular. "See me personally I'd rather mak-" Darla covers Billie's mouth, glaring at her silently. The blonde just shrugs and removes her girlfriend's hand before taking a sip of her drink.

"Baby..." Delia whispers to her 'patient' and the brunette turns to face her with an eyebrow raised. "I've got a good hour of this before..." she trails, "before...?" the woman taunts. "You don't wanna play this game right now" the blonde mumble dangerously, "really? I think I do" the younger challenges. "Billie" Delia calls and the medium turns to her confused.

"We need to be excused" the witch announces, standing up and pulling her partner with her. Billie smirks subtly, going unnoticed by most of the group. "Sure... you can use the bedroom" the blonde gestures behind her to two double doors, black framed with frosted glass. Delia nods and heads that way, quickly opening and shutting the doors behind them.

Tiara and Billie lock eyes, both of them knowing what—or rather who—will be coming. The medium raises her eyebrows at the younger woman whose smirk grows in agreement. "Hey, baby?" the nun utters softly towards her girlfriend, "mhm" she replies distractedly. The woman takes her chin in her hands, making sure they can meet each other's gaze.

"Look... they're not even paying attention. Let me solve your little problem" she offers, her hand expertly sliding underneath Ally's dress. "B-baby..." she sighs as her girlfriend's fingers brush her inner thigh. "Don't tell me you don't want it" she whispers in her ear, "don't start something you can't finish" the senator taunts.

"Oh don't you worry about that. You just try to be quiet for me" the 'nun' whispers as she pushes the older woman's panties to the side. "So we'll wait for them to get back?" Darla asks softly, her voice only loud enough for the blonde to hear her. "Mhm... or..." Billie trails, her nails tracing mindless patterns on the brunette's leg.

"We could have a little fun while they're gone" she suggests as she leans closer, "you know I don't umm really mind if there's—other people—but... don't you think we should ask first?" the 'ghost' proposes. "Ask? Baby... you know I don't ask for permission" the medium replies, causing a shiver to run up her girlfriend's spine.

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