Shy |m.r|

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Mildred and I have been secretly dating for a few months now. I met her at a popular gay bar one night with a blonde woman named Gwendolyn. I thought they might be together but, upon seeing them separate, I decided to take a chance. Turns out they were just there as friends and it was her first time.

We started chatting over drinks and just stayed together the whole night. She gave me her number and we parted ways, making plans to meet later that week. The rest is pretty much history. As I make my way to a park we frequent, my mind wanders. I find it odd that I've never been to her place.

She's come to mine plenty of times but any time I suggest we go to hers, she just dodges it. I trust her completely, so I don't think she has someone at home that she doesn't want me to see or something. But I do often ask myself what it is that she's hiding. I'm sure it's not anything too bad but I still wonder.

"Hi" I turn to see her sitting down next to me and I smile softly. "Hello there" I chirp, moving a bit closer to her. "It's nice out today" she comments, "indeed, it is" I reply as my mind continues to race. I decide to just ask her about it, I mean how bad can it be? "Hey, Millie? I wanna ask you something" I speak up and she turns to face me.

"Ok..." she says nervously, "it's nothing bad. I'm just curious" I assure her and she nods. "Why don't you ever want me to go to your place? It's not a big deal really, I don't need to go. I'd just like to know why" I inquire and she sighs. "Well... it's just that I didn't plan to stay as long as I have. It's not really a nice place" she mutters.

"Oh...ok. I don't mind. It's not like I need royal treatment or something" I giggle but she doesn't return it. "You don't understand. It's nothing like your place... it's—it's just not becoming of me" she mumbles, "Millie... I won't think less of you because of where you live. Like you said, you didn't plan to stay long" I say.

"You might, once you see it" she whispers, "I promise you, I won't. I haven't always lived where I do now. I've lived in quite a few questionable places" I chuckle as I recall. "It's ok if you don't want me to see it. I just want you to know that, I won't ever judge you" I voice, placing a hand over hers.

She looks into my eyes, hesitantly switching her gaze between the two. "Fine" she sighs, turning away from me "you don't have to" I remind her. "Let's just go" she voices flatly, standing up and walking off so I assume I'm supposed to follow her. She gets in her car, without a word, and I get into mine. I wait for her to pull off and then trail her all the way there.

Our short trip ends at a seaside motel that I've passed countless times. I park beside her and she gets out before me, leaning against her car and waiting for me. I hurriedly get out and lock the doors before coming to stand beside her. Without so much as a glance towards me, she starts walking again and I follow her until we stop at a door.

She opens it and gestures for me to go in after her, closing the door behind us. "This is it" she sighs, plopping down on the end of the bed. "Mildred, I-" "I know" she interrupts me, glancing down at her hands. "No, I... honestly expected it to be much worse—based on the way you talked about it" I say and she quickly turns to face me.

I take a seat next to her and take her hands in mine. "Millie, this isn't that bad at all. I mean, you're safe and it's warm... it may not be where you want to be right now but it's nothing to be ashamed of" I promise, "but it just doesn't..." "match your aesthetic? I know. That doesn't mean anything, it's just a transition" I reason.

"You really don't mind it? You're not just saying all this to make me feel better?" she whispers, "I really mean it, darling. But if it bothers you so, you can just come live with me" I offer. "No I- I can't do that" she exclaims, "you can. I want you there" I reassure her as I caress her cheek.

"No you just—you just feel bad for me" she shakes her head, "that's not it, sweetheart. I really did want to ask you before but I thought—since I hadn't even seen your place—that we weren't at that point yet. This is just an excuse to ask" I explain. She stares into my eyes, I assume trying to find any lack of sincerity.

"Y-you're serious? You want me to live with you?" she asks uncertainly, "I do. I would love waking up next to you every day" I whisper dreamily. "Y/n..." she breathes out, tears brimming her eyes, "don't cry, beautiful" I whine. "You're the o-only person that makes me f-feel like this" she whispers as she falls into my arms.

I pout and hold her close to me as I rub circles on her back. "I love you, y/n—so much. More than I thought possible" she whispers into my chest and I smile widely. "I love you too" I mumble in her ear as I stroke her hair back so I can see her a bit. "I'd love to live with you" she confesses, "then it's settled" I state.

a/n: I didn't know how to end this lol

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