Promises |s.m|

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I'm just pulling up to the Cortez and I'm dreading going in. Sally and I have been dating for the last three months now, it's been great. Then all of a sudden she started acting... off. For the past few days she's been distant yet also controlling. When we first met, I could tell she was the clingy type and I didn't mind it.

I still don't, which is why it's so weird to me that she's acting this way. She hasn't been holding me at night or staying on my heels from the moment I walk in the door. Yet she's texting me constantly throughout the day just to 'check in'. All her behavior has just been odd and it's exhausting me. I'm not necessarily a clingy person myself but I am for Sally.

So naturally, I'm also missing the physical contact with her. I drag myself out of the car, leaving all my belongings inside. I have my own place but I've been staying here more and more recently. I was going to just move in but then this started and I'm rethinking my decision. I haven't said anything to her about it, luckily, so she doesn't even know.

My plan is to go in here just to let her see me and know I'm ok and then I'll go home. This'll be the first night I haven't stayed here in the past two weeks. I only ever leave to get clothes and I'll sleep home if it's too late. I call it 'home' but it's not really home without her. Though I'm beginning to think she doesn't feel that way anymore.

I make it to the door and I open it with my key, pushing it open, then closing it behind me. I see her sitting on the bed and her head pops up when she sees me. I stop at the end of the bed and she stares at me for a moment. "Hey" she says and I reply quietly, waiting for her to say something more. Her eyes travel back down to her phone and I sigh.

"How was your day?" I ask her, "it was ok. Yours?" she responds. "Fine. I just stopped by I'm gonna go home" I state and start walking. I hear the covers rustle quickly before stopping. "Why are you doing that?" she inquires, "I'm tired" I reply. "You can sleep here" she points out, "not just physically tired, Sally" I mumble but loud enough for her to hear me.

"What is that supposed to mean?" she asks, "what's been up with you?" I counter as I turn around to face her again. "What do you mean what's been 'up' with me? Nothings been up with me" she replies incredulously. "I'm going home" I answer, not wanting to fight with her and she doesn't stop me. I reach the door my hand on the knob.

"W-wait!" she yells and I stop in my tracks for a second before opening the door. Before I can take a step, she's next to me and quickly pushes it closed. "Don't leave" she states firmly, "let go of the door, Sally" I say wearily. "No" she asserts, "Sally... let go" I repeat with my eyes still away from her. "I'm not letting go" she whispers and my brain begins to think she means it as more than just the door.

I push that hope aside and pull harder on the door but she pushes her whole body against it. "God Sally, fucking move!" I yell out of frustration as I move my gaze to her face and I see her flinch. Tears come to her eyes and I immediately regret my tone. "Baby... p-please don't leave me" she begs in a small voice before her gaze drops to her hands.

I stare at her in silence as tears fill my own eyes. I hate when she cries and I feel terrible for being the cause. "Y-y-you promised" she mumbles under her breath and sniffles softly. "I'm sorry..." I mutter as my fingers twitch, wanting desperately to reach out for her. "You're still leaving?" she asks quietly as she looks up at me with big eyes.

"No I-I just don't... understand" I admit and she furrows her eyebrows slightly. "You've been—I thought this is what you wanted" I confess and her eyes widen. "No! Of course not!" she exclaims "I—I'm sorry" she stutters. "So what's been going on?" I ask softly and her gaze drops from me again. I see her bite her lip nervously and she sniffles again.

Her mouth opens and moves as she tries to form words but can't seem to do it. "Just breathe" I remind her and she lets out a shaky breath. I watch her move off the door and take a few steps away from me. "I love you" she whispers and her head raises, pretty brown eyes meeting mine. Her gaze shifts between my eyes as tears fall from hers.

"Sally..." I sigh as I come closer but she takes a step back for every one I take. "I know. I-I know..." she cries as her lip trembles. I take bigger steps and grab her waist before she falls back on the bed. "Don't you know I love you too?" I smile softly and she pouts a little, "y-you do?" she whimpers.

"I do" I whisper, "promise you're not lying" she says sternly. I raise my pinky and bite my lip, she glances at it and tries to hide her smile. She raises her own hand and cautiously links her finger with mine. "I love you, Sally" I repeat, "I love you too" she breathes out in relief. Her arms fling around me and I chuckle as I hug her back just as tight.

After a few minutes of stroking her hair I pull away, much to her disapproval. "Don't pout" I scold, "even if you look cute while doing it" I giggle. She smiles softly and I peck her lips gently. "Now get your ass in the bed. I'm actually tired and in need of cuddles" I state and she giggles before jumping on the bed.

She crawls to the top and holds out her arms, making grabby motions with her hands. There's a big goofy grin on her face that makes me finally see my Sally. I kick off my shoes and jump on the bed, crawling into her arms. She kisses me all over my face before stroking my hair as my head lays on her chest.

"I love you so so much" she whispers before kissing the top of my head, "I love you more" I breathe out and hear her giggle above me. "Not possible, pumpkin" she mumbles in a cute voice, "never stop being like this, ok? It's my favorite" I mutter tiredly. "Whatever you want, baby. Now sleep, please, I know you're tired" she whispers and I nod as I begin to drift off.

I finally got my Sally back

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