Comfort |w.v|

423 19 2

Wilhemina suggested we go out tonight which was a huge surprise for me. She never really likes to go out, so I quickly jumped at the idea. We've just started getting ready and she hasn't changed her mind yet. I smile widely as I slip on her favorite dress of mine, sitting to put on my heels.

After I've clasped the last one I look up to see her fixing her blazer in the mirror. She decided to wear a black suit tonight with a lavender shirt underneath. "You look... there's not even a word for it" I mutter as I watch her sit beside me. "You too, darling" she chuckles as she grabs her heels.

I kneel in front of her and take them out her hand, setting them beside me on the floor. "You don't have to-" "I know that. I want to, so let me" I interject. She sighs but smiles softly as I slip them on. Once we're both ready we head out to the car and she drives us to the place she told me about.

I never would've expected her to bring me somewhere like this. I mean it's just a regular bar which is fine by me, but Winnie prefers the more luxurious things in life. "You never fail to surprise me" I say as I take her hand and she helps me out the car. She simply smiles, intertwines our fingers, and we walk in.

We go to the counter and get drinks, also taking a few shots, before sitting down. I softly bop my head to the music as I look around the crowd. A few familiar faces catch my eye and I point them out to Wilhemina. The blonde soon spots me and taps her partner, whispering something in her ear.

She looks over as well and softly nods before they make their way over. I stand up and embrace them both, gesturing for them to sit. "Long time no see, miss supreme" I smirk, "it has been a while, hasn't it?" she giggles. I can tell she's a little tipsy, as if her grinding on Misty hadn't already given it away.

"How are you guys? Delia dropped off the grid after you two got hitched" I joke, "we're great! She just... keeps me busy" Misty giggles. Delia bites her lip softly before looking to Winnie. "How about you guys? It's been ages since I've seen you two" the blonde voices, taking a sip out her straw.

"Oh we're good. It's nice to see you both again, it's been—what—years since I last saw you" Wilhemina says, directed at Cordelia. She and the blonde were friends before Winnie and I ever met, same thing with Misty and me. Ever since our paths crossed it's like we swapped.

As Delia and Mina catch up, I talk to Misty about the academy and her life since I last saw her. I feel Wilhemina run her hand along my thigh, gently at first. Slowly but surely she switches to gripping it making me jerk in my seat a bit. "You ok there?" Delia smirks, "yep" I answer and she nods.

I go back to talk to Misty until I feel Winnie grip my waist. It's not as if we could get any closer and the table's too low for me to sit on her lap. Though, that's not really my issue with this. It's that Winnie is never this physical with me, unless we're having sex. She's not really a physical affection sort of person, especially in public.

She mostly shows her love through quality time or acts of service, the occasional gift. It took me so long to just get her to cuddle with me before bed. So, to see her like this, it's quite weird. I glance over to see she's listening intently to whatever Delia is telling her. She doesn't even notice me looking at her so I tune back in to Misty.

Once I feel her nails digging into my side I hold up my finger to Misty. "Baby..." I whisper in her ear, "mhm" she hums as she turns to face me. "You know I'm all yours, right?" I ask, thinking this must be because we're around so many people. Not to mention I'm wearing quite the revealing dress, but I only wore it for her.

"I know" she answers, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I make the same face before nodding and we all start having a discussion about taking a trip. The more the night progresses, the more aggressive her touches get. "Umm I need some air" I lie and the other couple nods. I go to get up but her hand is tightly attached to my thigh.

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