Yes to heaven |l.w|

284 14 8

TW: sexual harassment

I've worked at Star Publishing Co. for about a year now and I have to say it's the best job I've ever had. I get to have a hand in doing something I love and it's so fulfilling. I'm not technically a writer yet but I do help in editing the pieces before we put them out. I knew it would take a while to climb the ladder and I don't mind waiting.

The only downside to this job is some of my coworkers. I'm not exactly 'out' yet; by that I mean that I haven't really announced it because I don't feel the need. I feel like it's pretty obvious and I feel like the harassing would only get worse if I said something. There's about a handful of guys that have hit on me ever since I walked in the door.

At first I didn't mind because it was just harmless flirting. Of course it was pestering but nothing I couldn't handle. However, it's only gotten worse from there and I can't seem to get them to leave me alone. I could just report them to HR, I know, but I have a feeling of how that'll go. They might get a little slap on the wrist but besides that, what else can they do?

I find it hard to even say anything about it because it's my word against theirs and they've been here far longer than me. Everyone loves them and I guess charming smiles can get you far. "Hello?" I look up to see Lana standing in front of me and my eyes widen, my lips parting slightly as I try to speak.

"Stop daydreaming and get to work" she demands and I just nod, turning to my computer and continuing the editing I started over half an hour ago. She sighs and walks off, her office door closing harshly behind her. Everyone thinks she's a bitch and I can see why. I think she just tries her best to assert her dominance because of all the men around her.

She wants to be taken seriously and in order to do that in this place, she needs to establish her authority. She sometimes rules with an iron fist but I don't think she means any harm. Though, I do often question if she even likes me at all. The whole reason I applied here is because of her actually.

I read her book and I was enthralled by her from the very first sentence. The way she words things just transports you as if you were actually there. I just knew I needed to get close to her, hoping some of her talent would rub off. Yet, all she's done while I've been her is ignore me. Any words we exchange are typically about how I need to pay more attention.

I mean, with her being only a few feet away from me—just separated by a door—how am I expected to focus? One of the best writers of our generation at such a close distance; coupled with the fact that I can never catch a break from the men here. It's to the point that I've started avoiding the break room so that they can't corner me.

The last thing I need is to lose my job because they've gone too far. Speaking of the break room, lunchtime is right around the corner. I finish up the last few bits of the piece, sending it over for the last verification before it's posted, and I close any tabs relating to it. I put my computer on sleep mode and grab my keys, preparing to sit in my car like I usually do.

"I need coffee" I turn to see Lana standing in the doorway of her office and I know she's speaking to me because we're the only two in the hallway. "Ok" I sigh with a polite smile on my face and she simply nods, turns around and closes the door behind her. I make my way to the break room, my hands slightly trembling.

I've managed to avoid one of them in particular for about a week now but I know we take lunch at the same time. He's the worst one out of all of them and he scares the shit out of me. It's not even because he's muscular or anything, he's just very bold. So when I don't know how to reply, he thinks it means he's flustered me and I suppose he does but it's not in a good way.

I open the door and look around before quickly making my way to the coffee pot. It's unfortunately empty so I'll have to wait for another to brew. Lucky for me, we have a keurig and I know she doesn't really like the coffee from there but I cannot risk being in here for too long. I've also learned how to doctor it up so she can't tell—or at least I think she can't.

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