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I pry my eyes open and, as my senses kick in, I can feel the warmth of two bodies on either side of me. I glance to my right to see Billie, her hair sprawled across the pillow. Her mouth hangs open slightly as very light snores escape her plump lips, one arm draped over my torso while the other rests beneath her head.

On my other side is Cordelia, her head tilted up just slightly above mine. I crane my neck at bit to get a view of her face and smile. She looks completely relaxed, her lips parted only a fraction, her breathing soft and steady. Her blonde hair is flowing over the pillow behind her as if she was positioned that way.

I carefully move her hand that lays comfortably on my bare chest and she stirs, turning over so her back faces me. For a second I'm mesmerized, my eyes tracing the constellation of freckles that seem to have been purposefully sprinkled across her skin. I shake my head a bit and gently move Billie's arm to lay beside her as I sit up.

Her nose twitches and she turns to lay on her stomach, her arm filling the space my torso once took up. I pull the covers down and climb on top, placing them carefully back over the two sleeping blondes before crawling out the bed. I go into the bathroom, quietly and quickly running through my routine.

As I stare in the mirror, a robe draped lazily over my form, something catches my eye. I pull the shoulder of the cloth to the side to see little love bites on my chest. I smile to myself as I remember how they were placed. Billie's possessiveness always comes out in the heat of the moment and with Cordelia's light kisses against my skin, she soothed them over.

I tie the robe a little tighter as I make my way out the ensuite and eventually out the bedroom. I carefully walk down the stairs, my legs a bit sore from the previous night. The cold wood floor makes me shiver a bit but I grow accustomed as I enter the kitchen. I grab a glass and pour myself some juice, sipping on it as I stare out the window over the sink.

My mind recalls the events of the evening before and I bite my lip. Though I can't help but wonder what this means for us. I mean, Cordelia has to go back to the academy, she has responsibilities there. I'm certainly happy with Billie and there's no doubt in my mind about that. It's just that, now that this new thing has been introduced, my mind worries for the future.

As I'm lost in thought, I feel arms wrap around my waist and warm breaths meet my neck just before soft lips do the same. "Good morning, baby" Billie whispers in that raspy morning voice that sends chills down my spine. "Mm, morning" I mumble as she kisses my neck. I turn my head and she captures my lips gently, moving a hand from my waist to caress my cheek.

Her other hand slides around to my stomach, prompting me to turn around. I do so and she backs me into the counter, her hands dropping to my hips and pulling herself closer to me. I moan softly has her tongue invades my mouth and my hand on the glass grips it tighter. She finally pulls away, only to place a kiss on my forehead before resting her own against it.

"I love you" she mumbles, "I love you too" I echo and she smiles softly. "Well don't leave me out of all the fun" I hear and turn my head to see Cordelia, clad in one of Billie's oversized shirts with no pants. There goes that word 'fun' again. Billie must've noticed the way I tensed, since she quickly turns to me and furrows her eyebrows.

"Good morning" I utter politely to break the—at least to me—uncomfortable silence. "Morning" Billie echos, still not taking her eyes off me. "Good morning... do you have tea?" Delia asks and, finally, Billie's attention is taken away from me so she can show her where it is. I place my glass in the sink and quietly slip out to the patio as they're distracted in conversation.

I take a seat on the outdoor couch and bring my knees to my chest as I let the sun warm my body. I know I'm overthinking things but, I can't help it. Even when Billie and I first got together, I was hesitant. I've always had a thing for older women and I just never thought it was possible to find someone so perfect for me.

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