Teasing |a.m.r|

433 19 4


In the time that I've worked at Butchery, I've seen a lot of things. When I first started working here it was Ally and Ivy's place. I never liked Ivy, in all honesty, but I tolerated her. She wasn't really here a lot so I didn't have to deal with her too much. Ally is the one that handles all the day-to-day things. So, when Ivy suddenly disappeared I didn't ask questions.

I was happy to have her gone, quite frankly. The bell chimes and I turn around to see Ally coming through the door. She has her phone pressed against her shoulder, with a cup in hand, and her bag on her arm. The sunlight hits just right and she seems to glow. She flashes a quick smile before disappearing down the hall to the office.

I go back to my work with a smile on my face. Any time she's here my days just get better. I love knowing that I'll get to see her face and talk to her. As I finish up my task, and check the time, I realize my break is coming up. "Hey, Danny, you good? I'm about to head out for lunch" I say, "oh yeah... everything's set for me" he replies.

I nod and walk towards the break room, taking off my apron. I clock out and then sit for a minute to decide what I'm gonna do. I'm not really hungry so there's really no reason for me to leave. I get an hour to basically do whatever and usually I just sit in my car and listen to music. Today, though, I think I know exactly what I wanna do.

I get up and fix my hair a bit before making my way to the office. I knock softly and open it up to see her still on the phone. She glances up at me and motions for me to sit. She rolls her eyes and points to the phone making me stifle a giggle. "How many times do I have to say 'no' before you get it? It's a simple two-letter word, you can't be that air-headed" she complains.

It's so funny to me how sweet she is until she gets frustrated. I've had the opportunity to witness it multiple times and it's the best, to be honest. "Harvey. I'm hanging up now" she voices annoyed, "oh really?" she scoffs. I don't know what he said but the change in her eyes says it's not good. "Fuck you, really hard, right up the ass" she growls.

"Oh and not only that. You can kiss that first offer goodbye, your own fault for pushing me. And I'm a lot of things, Harvey, but weak? You underestimate me, greatly. Now, I suggest you don't call me again unless it's to apologize. In fact, don't even bother" she states before taking the phone away from her ear and hanging up.

I watch as she sets the phone down harshly on the desk and closes her eyes. That was... hot. She finally glances to me after a moment and smiles softly. "What's up?" she asks sweetly, "nothing. I was just coming to check on you" I answer. "Oh... that's sweet. I'm alright now" she replies, "what was that about?" I inquire.

"Oh, just some dumbass supplier. He was demanding that I pay him three times what we originally agreed upon. I told him that was bullshit because his products aren't even worth what we're paying now. So I suggested we could go up half what I'm currently paying him, cause I do really need the product" she rambles, gesturing with her hands.

"And he knows that, so I guess he thought he could take advantage of me. Idiot. Then he proceeded to insult me and my business knowledge, big mistake. But it's fine, I've already been scouting for other suppliers for months now. I just have to make a few calls before we run out" she sighs, "mm. Well, that's good. He's obviously an asshole, I mean, doubting your abilities? He clearly has rocks for brains or something" I voice which makes her giggle.

I smile softly, I've always loved the sound of her laugh. She looks at me and we lock into a stare for a minute or so. "Stop looking at me like that" she mutters, "like what?" I smirk. "Like..." she trails as her gaze drops to my lips for a second. Ally and I have always had a sort of chemistry between us. I frequently tease her about it and vice versa.

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