Chapter 1

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"I am a man who walks alone!

And when I'm walking a dark road..."

"Mmmph.. quiet Josh" grumbled a tired voice underneath the heap of curly hair spread all over her pillows. The heavy guitar riffs rung through her ears - disrupting the lovely dream the girl was having. She dreamt about Mia Wallace. Her and her brother Josh recently watched Pulp Fiction. Her brother was a nerd and would not stop talking about the film's techniques - while all the girl could think about was how hot Mia Wallace was.

"When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange"

"Josh!!" shouted the voice, now irritated. She desperately tried falling asleep, hopefully to see Mia again - but it was too late. She rolled her eyes. Josh and his non-existent sleep schedule interfered with her very existent one.

She turned her head and looked at her alarm. The bright red numbers pierced through the sleepy haze her vision was still in.

6:47 AM.

"I'm going to kill him" she whispered to herself. She got up, fixed her hair and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. No point in trying to get back to sleep now. The brunette decided she would visit her bestfriend, Kate, at her early morning cheer practice. Kate has been her bestfriend since she could remember. At first, they hated each other when they went to Shadyside Elementary. It got so bad that the teachers decided to put them two in detention together, and they weren't allowed to go home until they found things they had in common. Little did they both know that day would be the beginning of the most tender and important friendship that either of them would ever have.

The brunette slid the door to her closet and grabbed a navy blue flannel, a Pixies band t-shirt and put on her favourite, and her most daggy pair of jeans she owned.

She went up to Josh's door and banged on it three times loudly. The music kept blasting, so she grabbed the handle and opened the door. Josh was on his chair with a blanket cast over him and his computer. She walked up to him and ripped the blanket off his head.

"Deena! What the hell?"

"Do you know what time it is?!" She yelled at him.

He tried to open his mouth and respond but Deena beat him to it.

"You are so lucky that Dad is a drunk who works double night shifts. So god damn lucky. He would've killed you before I was able to get to you first."

"That's morbid." Josh chuckled.

Deena, the brunette, sighed. Josh turned back around and continued typing away at his computer.

"Do you want breakfast at least, Sir Silence?" snarked Deena.

"Not from you, you always manage to burn whatever you make. I'm sure if there was a way to burn water you would manage that too"

Deena scoffed.

"Remember whose kind enough to drive you to and from school again.."

"...Oh and by the way, I'm leaving early so find your own way to school."

Josh finally looked away from his computer. "What the hell??"

"Maybe don't blast loud music and wake me up at 6 fucking AM, dillweed."

Josh responded with something along the lines of "whatever" under his breath and returned back to his computer.

Deena left the room smirking to herself. She went back to her room to pick up her backpack and returned to the living room to grab her car keys. She was looking for them amongst the empty and crushed beer cans left on every surface possible. Deena's dad was a construction worker, who was also a drunk and was rarely ever home. She hated her dad so not having him home was freeing. Just one of the perks of living in the cesspit that is Shadyside.

She walked to her beat up car, and started it and drove to school. The roads were desolate and empty.

"No shit" Deena whispered to herself. Who else is up at 6 AM that wasn't another Shadysider doomed to working endless night shifts just to spend it all at the local bar. She arrived at school, and parked as far as she could away. It was only the second day back and she was already sick of everyone. At least getting to school early had its perks - no one was there, meaning Deena didn't have to look at any of their stupid faces until homeroom.

She made her way to the gymnasium and saw the tired cheerleaders moping around about having to be at school so early. They had been here since 5 am. They all looked exhausted and frankly fed up with having to be there so early. The only person who wasn't tired was Kate, the captain. She was practically bouncing off the walls with energy, waving her pom poms around trying to get everyone else excited. She finished her energetic dance off with a cartwheel, which everyone would have been impressed by if it were not 7 am.

"Come on, you guys! The first football game back is only three days away!" Kate said proudly.

She was beaming with pride, but all her team responded back with were groans and sighs. Kate frowned.

"Fine. Practice is over. Clearly I'm the only one taking this seriously..."

The girls let out a slight cheer and slowly hobbled to the locker rooms, holding their eyes open to try and stay awake.

"You seem like a real hit, Kate" chuckled Deena.

"I don't get what their problem is. I hate those fucking football obsessed douchebags more than anyone else in this world, but I still do my job. " Kate huffed angrily.

"I don't think anyone hates them more than me." said Deena.

"You hate everyone, Deena" Kate giggled. Deena was glad that she could help Kate feel better. She was the captain of the cheer team, as well as rising valedictorian. She was a star in all aspects of the school, and this inevitably came with a lot of stress.

"Why are you here so early? I just realised the time, and, well..." Kate couldn't finish her sentence without laughing.

"Yeah yeah, I like my sleep. I know. Josh woke me up with his stupidly loud music again"

"I like Josh's music.." responded Kate. There was a pink twinge beginning to form on her cheeks but it rapidly disappeared after Kate realised what was happening. Deena had always been in Kate's life, that means Josh has been as well. She refused to ever admit it, even to herself, but there was something about him that she admired.

"It's fine, just not at max volume. Anyways I thought I would come and visit you and the cheer team. 'Cheer team' is a bit of a stretch after the attitude I just saw..." Deena said mockingly. Kate frowned and that made Deena smirk even more.

"Whatever, ladykiller. It was even more disappointing when the new girl who was supposed to be an 'amazing addition' Coach Kingsley called it, didn't even show. I swear, Simon is more reliable than half of these girls." said Kate.

Simon was the third part to their trio - and they also met him at Shadyside Elementary. Simon was selling frozen mud to other kids saying it was chocolate. Kate bought some off him and was angry when she was eating literal dirt. She tried to beat him up and threaten him, and she won. That was how their trio started. Simon was funny, a little cringe, but his loyalty made up for that.

Kate made her way to the locker rooms to change, and Deena waited. When they left together, they met up with Simon and sat at their favourite spot behind the school until the bell rung. School was insufferable, Shadyside High even more so. But these two people are what made it tolerable.

The bell rung at 8:30 AM, and so the trio made their way to homeroom and then Period 1.

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