Chapter 27

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Monday morning approached, and Deena was just as confused as she was on Saturday night. The weekend changed her perspective in so many ways, and she hadn't told Kate or Simon anything about what happened.

She drove her and Josh to school, and as she got out of her car, she saw across the car park, Sam get out of hers. Deena went back inside her car and shut the door at the sight of Sam. The dream she had came flowing back to her. She thought about what dream Sam said about giving her a chance to apologise. Deena never let anyone apologise. She has always been cold and ruthless, but she wanted to forgive Sam. She was more mad at herself than anything else. When Sam had walked into school, Deena got out of her car and ran to try and find Kate and Simon.

When she met up with them she was debating whether to tell them or not. About the party, about her and that guy, about the bathroom, and about the dream. She knew that Kate wouldn't dare let Deena even mentioning her trying to forgive Sam, let alone Deena tossing out the idea that maybe she had a small crush on her.

She sat there, unphased and lost in her thoughts listening to Simon and Kate recapping the party again, Simon talking about how he was flirting with so many girls, and Kate telling him that they were just being nice to him.

They noticed Deena wasn't paying attention and asked if she was okay. Deena decided that this situation would be less stressful and easier to figure out with their help. So she told them, everything. From the conversation, to Sam looking at her, to her groaning her name in the bathroom and then finally the dream. She left out the part of the dream where Sam flirted with her and how they almost kissed.

"Am I going crazy? Is she not as bad as she seems??" Deena finished her sentence off. She was out of breath from speaking so fast.

Kate and Simon were speechless at everything they just heard. Simon began to smirk.

"What's so funny, Simon?" asked Deena.

"Dude. She is totally into you. Like, I mean, crazy into you" he laughed, but he wasn't joking. Deena thought he was and started laughing until she realised that he was being silent.

"Wait, you're being for real?" she asked. Simon just nodded with his eyes wide, and his lips curled into a mischievous smile.

Deena just sat there, not knowing whether to believe him or not. She looked over to Kate who looked like she was lost in her own world. "Kate? Do you agree with Simon?' Deena asked concerned.

Kate just looked up at her. "I hate to say it, but I think I do..."

Kate's reply let Deena and her in silence, but Simon was laughing his ass off. He thought it was so ironic that Deena's worst bully might actually be in love with her.

"Kate?" Deena begged.

"I mean, it makes sense, you know. Her mother is homophobic, so she represses those feelings until they form into hate. She meets you, openly out lesbian who is very sexy and it's like she had been confronted with her mother's worst nightmare." Kate trailed off. Deena was about to talk but changed her mind last minute. Kate spoke again.

"But it does not give her an excuse! Just because she likes you doesn't mean she gets to try and ruin your life and make you just as miserable as her." she finished.

Simon agreed with her, and made some joke about how maybe Sam is acting out because of sexual frustration for Deena. Kate hit him on the shoulder.

"What! It's totally possible. I mean Deena literally heard her moaning her name while she was probably fucking herself to the thought of her.." he chuckled.

Deena just gave him a look, with a raised eyebrow. She put her head in her hands.

"I can't believe this is happening to me right now. I am so confused."

"So are we" Kate added.

The three of them sat together in silence, left to their own thoughts, until the bell rung for homeroom.

"Oh by the way, we're meeting in the gymnasium for homeroom." Kate said.

The gymnasium? Deena only just dreamed about her and Sam together in that room, Sam was sitting on her lap. She remembered how it felt in her dream when Sam wrapped her legs around her, wanting so desperately to be close to Deena.

"Dee, you coming?"

Deena had been so distracted by her dream she didn't see them get up. She stood up with them and walked to the gymnasium. They picked a seat at the back of the bleachers. Deena was eyeing the spot where Deena and Sam were in her dream.

Her and Kate were thinking of theories as to why they were in the gym for homeroom. Deena almost forgot all about her worries until she saw the doors open, and Sam walked in with Jackson, holding his hand. Her heart dropped.


"I know, Dee. Maybe we were wrong about her. That's better though, it makes it easier to hate her again" Kate said, turning back to Simon, continuing their conversation.

Deena swallowed her feelings of envy. Had she really misread or imagined that whole situation? Her and Jackson were together, as a couple. This was real. As Sam walked in with Jackson, her eyes looked for Deena. She spotted her at the top of the bleachers, but she didn't dare make eye contact with her. Jackson just dragged her by her hand and forced her to sit on his lap with his friends surrounding them. They were all patting him on the back. Sam had never felt so uncomfortable in her entire life. She looked up to where Deena was sitting, and saw Deena was watching her. Sam couldn't look away, she just looked at Deena with sad eyes and a slight frown. She turned back to Jackson who was telling the guys about how he asked her out the night after the party.

Deena made eye contact with Sam, and she didn't look away. Sam looked at her, with eyes that were sad and exhausted. She didn't look happy at all. Deena then told herself that its Sam's choice, and she returned back to her conversation with Kate and Simon.

Their conversation, however, ended abruptly as their principal came into the gym to make the announcement they gathered there for.

"Welcome back to another exciting week. I have gathered you all here today to inform you that this weekend will be the annual trip for seniors to Camp Nightwing. We'll depart on Friday afternoon and arrive there that same night. Cabins and camp groups have already been picked out, and they are posted on the bulletin board outside my office, along with a list of items to bring. We will depart on Monday morning and arrive back here hopefully around Monday evening. Thank you, that is all." he said.

When he finished talking, the room exploded with excitement and talking. Everyone was so excited to visit the Camp. Kate and Simon were doing a little dance, until Deena told them they should leave now so they can view the lists without there being a massive crowd. They agreed, and so they snuck off without anyone seeing them and left the gym unnoticed.

Deena felt excited for the first time in a long time. They reached the bulletin board, and found the groups.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now