Chapter 23

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It was Vogue, which was one of Deena's favourite pop songs ever. She was having so much fun dancing with Kate and Simon, taking sips of her drink in between.

When it got to the chorus, the three of them dropped to their knees and began voguing. It was a little cringe, but it was their inside joke. They knew how much Deena loved Madonna, and they found it so funny compared to the normal grunge music she listens to. So they all decided to learn how to vogue.

Their voguing quickly caught the attention of everyone else in the main room, and they all began clapping, and cheering their names. When the song finished there was an applause for them, and while Deena felt embarrassed she couldn't bring herself to care because she was too drunk. Kate and Simon continued dancing, she stepped out of the dance floor to take a break and have some water so she didn't get too drunk.

She went to the kitchen and as she was filling her cup up with water someone spoke.

"Those were some pretty cool moves"

Deena said thanks before seeing who it was. When she turned around and saw it was Sam, she dropped her cup of water, spilling it everywhere. Sam just watched her.

"Shit, my bad" Deena said, embarrassment beginning to hit her. She took a heap of towels and dried it up and put them in the bin.

"It's okay" said Sam, helping her dry up the rest the water and throw the towels in the bin.

There was silence before Deena realised her cup was still on the floor. They both bent down and reached their hands out to pick it up, not knowing that the other was going to do the same. Their hands were on top of one another's. It took a second for Deena to realise what was happening. Sam realised the second she felt Deena's hand under hers, yet she let her hand linger there until Deena pulled it away.

Even though Deena pulled her hand away, the spot on Sam's hand where Deena's rested felt hot. Deena gave a cough, and picked up her cup to fill it with water again. Sam just stood there, and it felt as though the music went quiet and they were the only ones in the house.

"When did you learn how to vogue?" she asked.

Deena finished filling up her cup. She didn't know whether she wanted to talk to Sam or not. She looked down at the water in her cup and she poured it out. She grabbed another beer from the fridge, opened it, and chugged almost half of it. Sam watched her in silence.

"How do you know what voguing is?" Deena asked, slurred her words a bit. She chugged the rest of her beer and got another one ready. She didn't really want to talk to Sam, but didn't object entirely.

Sam laughed at her comment.

"What's so funny?" Deena asked.

"Oh nothing. Just that you think I wouldn't know what voguing is."

"I mean why would you. You're all prissy and perfect and straight, why would you ever want to learn a dance as gay as that?" Deena didn't register what she was saying or how blunt it was. She was getting more drunk by the second, making her not care what she says or how she says it. She opened the other beer and took a sip.

"Perfect?" stuttered Sam. She couldn't help but feel her cheeks turn hot and her legs turn weak when she heard that.

"MMmm yeah. I mean you're a white, blonde .... girl. That's it. And uhhh straight. I think. I ammm not so sure" Deena was beginning to giggle at the end of her sentence.

Sam felt her cheeks go even redder.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" said Sam defensively. She was beginning to feel offended.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now