Chapter 20

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TW: Domestic/family abuse

There was a little anxiety Deena was experiencing to return back to school, but she reminded herself that she was only going to be hanging out with Kate and Simon, and that her name had been legally cleared.

Her car was still left at school, so she brought her keys because she hated walking to school. So did Kate and Simon but they didn't want to complain after the hellish few days Deena has been through.

They walked to school together that morning, and Deena walked to her car and just looked at it.

"The damage is only on the surface. It's still drivable."

They were all relieved.

"I love you guys, but I hate walking 20 minutes to school this early in the morning" joked Kate.

They all laughed and went on their way to homeroom. They could feel everyone staring at them, but Deena didn't care anymore. Some people welcomed her back, which surprised her. She was only suspended for half a day.

As the day went on, there was no sign of Sam. This made Deena so relieved. She was finally able to ignore her, and have a peaceful highschool experience.

The dread of homework and assignments returned, so the rest of the week passed like a blur. It went by so fast, that Deena was shocked when Josh woke her up and told her it was Friday morning. She got all her homework ready, started up her car and went to go pick up Simon as Kate was already at school practicing for the game tonight.

"Where's your uniform?" Simon, with a green face wearing a black witches hat asked her.

"Oh they let me have this week to recover from what happened last week and this week."

"Lucky." Simon groaned.

Deena laughed at his comment and she reversed out of her driveway, and began the journey to school.

When they arrived, they went to the gym to look for Kate. Practice had finished 20 minutes ago, but Kate was sitting by herself on the bleachers. She looked worried.

"Hey Kate, what's up? You look really upset.." Deena asked.

"Because I am! I know you don't wanna talk about her but this is really bad. Sam isn't here!" said Kate.

"Don't you have like 500 girls on reserve, I mean is Sam really that big of a deal?" asked Simon.

"Yes. But the issue isn't that she's not here for the game, that I couldn't care less about. She hasn't been here all week!" when Kate said this she expected a reaction from both of them, but she didn't receive anything. They just looked at her like she was speaking a foreign language.

"So?" said Deena.

"Yeah what does that matter? The less of her the better.. maybe she finally made everyone's dream come true and moved to Sunnyvale" Simon chuckled. This made Deena laugh, but not Kate.

"This isn't fucking funny. She hasn't been here all week, and you don't think that's suspicious at all?"

"Not really..." said Simon.

"Why should we care, Kate?" Deena pried.

"Let me remind you guys that over the past few days we have endlessly berated her, and forced her to help us. Reminder: she only did those things because she was terrified of being alone with me."

Deena began to understand why Kate was worrying.

"Do you really think she's planning to do something after all this?" asked Deena, nerves beginning to rush in.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now