Chapter 8

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It was the end of the school day and Simon and Kate were going over to Deena's house to hang out. Deena thought it was just a hang out, but Simon and Kate also wanted to make sure she didn't do anything stupid after what happened earlier that day. They knew Deena and her irrational habits better than Deena knew herself.

Deena turned on her car and Kate put in their mixtape that they created and recorded together with songs the trio loved. They had an enthusiastic car ride back to Deena's, but first they stopped at Simon's job at the grocer to grab some snacks. They arrived home a little after they left the store. Deena pulled into the driveway and Kate and Simon leaped out of the seats.

They entered the house, and Josh was sitting on the couch with pizza watching TV. There was no sign of her dad. Deena slapped the back of Josh's neck as she walked past, and he was about to yell at her until he saw Kate and fell silent. She looked down at him while Deena was laughing and they made eye contact. Josh felt his cheeks go red and instantly turned back to the TV. Simon nudged Kate's shoulder when he noticed her smiling a little and she shoved him as they all went to Deena's room and played their mixtape over stereo and talked for hours.

Sam was supposed to spending the afternoon with her mother, but called last minute to tell her she would be working on a class project at Sheila's house. In reality, Sheila, Peter and few of the other jocks and cheerleaders were having a small gathering at Sheila's house. When Sam got there, she was still quiet and lost in her own world. Rock music was blasting, the smell of smoke in the air was heavy and there were empty beer cans everywhere.

One of the football players kept offering Sam drinks but she continued to refuse. She just wanted some time to herself to think. She went and sat down on Sheila's leather couch, and she began wincing when her back met with the pillow. She forgot all about her bruises because she was so distracted by the thought of Deena.

"Hey Sammy, you good?" Sheila, a little tipsy, giggled. Sam nodded with a fake smile and instantly fell back into her trance. It was too loud, everything was too loud and seemed brighter than usual. She began to feel anxious so she got up and left the room without anyone noticing. She walked around and explored Sheila's house for a bit until she ended up in the kitchen noticing a phone hooked onto the wall with a thick phone book sitting next to it.

Sam doesn't know what possessed her to approach the phone, but she did anyways. She opened the phone book, and was running her finger along the names until she found the one she wanted.

She began dialling. Beep. Beep. Beep

Kate was erupting into laughter as Deena missed every grape she was trying to throw into Simon's mouth.

"He seriously couldn't open his mouth any wider, Dee!" Kate laughed.

Deena reached for the last grape and to her surprise she got it in his mouth. She stood up and cheered, until she realised Simon was choking on it. Kate smacked him on the back and he spat out the grape into Kate's lap.

"Gross!" Kate said with disgust.

Deena was laughing so hard while Simon was trying to catch his breath. This was all the love that Deena would ever need. She loved these two so much. And they loved her the same.

There was a loud bang at the door. Josh opened the door angrily.

"What's up, Joshy?" Kate asked with a smirk. Simon looked at her with disgust when she called him 'Joshy'.

"Uhhm. Uh- Uhh" Josh stuttered.

"Look what you've done Kate! You broke Dee's brother!" Simon joked. Deena laughed at his joke and she noticed her brother turn a shade of red.

"What is it, Josh?" Deena asked.

"Someone asked for you on the phone."

"Who was it?" Kate asked.

"Yeah seriously, no one ever calls here unless it's dad." Deena said confused.

"It's definitely not dad" Josh joked and then he turned around and left. Deena looked at them, and she got up and left.

She walked towards the phone and picked it up. Silence.

"Yup?" Deena said with a bored tone.

There was a slight gasp after Deena talked. Deena began to feel irritated.

"Hello?" asked Deena with a slight tone of annoyance.

"D-Deena...?" said the voice. It was familiar. She had heard this voice many times before, calling her a slur. But she thought to herself there was no way. Why would Sam be calling her? She was silent for a second, thinking of what to say.


Sam was frightened at the sound of her name. She slammed the phone back on the hook and shut the book and ran back to Sheila's room. She shook her head at herself and slapped her cheeks, wondering why she did that. She was so mad at herself. She needed to be distracted.

This time she accepted the drink that same boy offered, and the next one after that. After a few more, things began to feel hazy and Sam felt warm and was overcome with a new found confidence. Her and Sheila got up on her pool-table and danced together to Secret by Madonna. The distraction was working and she forgot all about Deena. So much so, when the same boy offered her another drink she threw it away and kissed him instead. She doesn't know what possessed her, but it did the opposite and the thought of Deena was stronger than ever. She took a shot and continued kissing the boy, even though she didn't like him or the kiss at all. Everyone was cheering them on, and he was getting very handsy. She didn't have the confidence to tell him to stop but instead asked him to dance so he would stop touching her.

Deena was weirded out by the call. She wasn't sure if it was Sam or not, but she settled on the thought that it wasn't her because she didn't know why she would be calling her house. She went back to her room, in a state of confusion. She was lost in her own head as she sat down on her bed.

"Deena? Hello??" Simon waved his hand in front of her face.

She didn't even notice them talking to her.

"Sooo... who was it?" Kate pried.

"I'm not sure, I thought it was Sam at first." Deena replied.

There was no response. Kate and Simon just looked at her with an expression of disbelief.

"I'm serious. They didn't say anything until I said 'Hello?' and then they stuttered but said my name? And it sounded a lot like Sam so I asked if it was Sam and they instantly hung up the phone. It was so weird." Deena continued.

"That is so strange" Kate said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I can almost guarantee it wasn't Sam." Simon said.

"Why's that?" Deena asked curiously.

"Well, it's obvious she hates you but more importantly, I overheard Peter and some of the other idiots talking about going to Sheila's afterschool. She is definitely too busy making out with some guy that can't spell his own name" joked Simon.

Deena and Kate laughed at his comment and nodded their heads in agreeance that Sam would definitely rather makeout with a knucklehead like Peter Cherchin than ever willingly talk to Deena, especially after today.

Their gossips and jokes continued throughout the day until Simon had to leave for work and Kate had to meet one of her "clients" that she sells "fresh fruits" to. That left Deena to herself and her thoughts. Even though they agreed that it wasn't Sam, she couldn't shake the feeling that it was in fact Sam calling. She didn't know why she cared so much, she hated her. Or so she thought.

As the night wore on, the football players left, some passed out. Sam was still quite drunk, but was sober enough to pretend for her mum. She got a ride with one of the cheerleaders back to her house. She walked into her large house, sitting on the border between Shadyside and Sunnyvale, and was immediately met with the angry face of her mother. Her mother was saying something, yelling at her, but Sam was too tired and too drunk to notice anything she was saying. She just nodded her head and then went straight to bed.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now