Chapter 3

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It was 6:34 PM. Deena had to leave soon to pick up Kate first, then Simon. It was lucky they all lived near each other. She couldn't believe she was actually going to a party tonight. A football player's one too. She hated everyone on the football team with a passion. They bullied her constantly, as she was the only out lesbian in all of Shadyside High. It doesn't bother Deena as much as it used to. The guys stopped messing with her when she beat one of them up so bad he came to school with four different casts on the next day. From then on it was all behind her back.

But the more concerning matter was that snob and what she said. Why was Deena so bothered by what she said? Many people have said so much worse to her and she didn't think about it once. Deena felt a little shame and embarrassment because in some way, Sam was right. Her dad was pathetic, and a drunk. He was a polar opposite to her mother though. Deena's mother, Reba, was the mom that everyone needed. She was always there for Deena, to console her through everything. When she first came out at school her Mum heard about it from some of the other parents at Shadyside and she sat Deena down that afternoon and told her how much she loved her, and how there was nothing anyone could ever even imagine that could prevent her from loving Deena unconditionally and endlessly. This is why it hurt so much when she passed when Deena was 13. She loved to bake, and loved The Pixies. She filled the void in Deena's heart with the love she so deserved. The shirt Deena wore today used to belong to her mom. She took it off and put it under her pillow after hugging it.

She sat on her bed wondering what she would wear. It suddenly struck her that if Kate was invited, that means the rest of the cheer team would be too. Sam would be there. Deena felt herself get angry again. She tried to calm herself down and put in a mixtape to her stereo. She hit play.

You let me violate you...

Deena loved the Nine Inch Nails. Especially this song. It was sexy and heavy, and reminded her of her dream this morning. She frowned to herself and got up to her closet and looked through her clothes. She picked a black short-sleeve button up. She rolled up the sleeves a little and wore a white t-shirt under it. She buttoned the shirt up, but not the whole way so a little piece of the white shirt was peeking through. She kept the same jeans and shoes on that she wore and school, ruffled her hair and picked up her keys.

She walked to her car, started it up and began driving. Kate was already waiting outside in a mid-length black dress, with a jean jacket on top and a brown leather handbag. She got in the passenger's seat and smiled at Deena.

"I'm so happy you came" Kate said.

"You mean you're happy you can get a lift?" Deena joked.

"Well, yes, but also happy you came" She giggled.

Deena shifted her gears and began driving to Simon's house. He was waiting on the side of the street already and was wearing cargo pants with a graphic t-shirt, a white undersleeve and a grey cardigan on top.

"Lookin' fresh, Si" Deena said.

Simon winked at her, and the trio laughed. Their laughs blended with the stereo and the sound of the car's engine. They drove for what seemed like five minutes, until they reached a street that was packed with cars and already drunken teenagers making out everywhere, and smoking.

"I think we might be here" Kate said as a couple less than two meters away from them were making out heavily.

Deena parked the car, and they all got out. Deena locked the car and stood outside what looked like a mansion.

"Jeez." Deena said, looking the house up and down.

"This is going to be so fun" Kate said with excitement.

The trio walked up the driveway and entered the house. They were immediately met with a rank smell of weed, alcohol and body sweat. It was so humid. The music was blasting so loud Deena could feel the bass in her feet. The trio walked further into the party that seemed like a maze. There were so many people that didn't even go to their school. This was seeming to be Deena's worst nightmare.

As they trekked further through the crowds of people doing shots, a person appeared in the kitchen, standing across from Deena that made the night become a real nightmare.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now