Chapter 69

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"W-what? Yeah, uhm sure. Okay, what do you wanna talk about?" Sam asked, stammering a little.

"Not on the phone Sam, in person" Deena croaked.

The thought of seeing Deena and having to talk to her in person brought upon a confusing mix of emotions for Sam. She was scared, and her stomach was churning, but she missed Deena's face so much. But the fact that Deena wanted to talk to her in person meant that it was going to be something serious.

"O-okay, when?" Sam asked.

"You can come now if you'd like, Kate and Simon went home to catch up on some sleep" Deena replied.

"Sure, yeah. I'll be there soon" Sam told her.

Deena didn't reply to this and just hung up the phone. This caused Sam's heart to ache and she felt the tears start welling up when she only heard silence and not Deena's voice. She wiped the tears away off her face and was about to leave the house before she remembered about a few things. She got Deena's sweater and shorts and put them in washer for a quick cycle to clean them. When they were done she picked them up and a few other things she knew Deena liked from the shops and made her way to the hospital.

Her legs were shaking and the nerves were building faster, especially in her knees. They were fighting against her composure to buckle more with every step she took. When she arrived at the hospital she took a deep breath in before entering. She took the elevator this time because her legs were too weak to handle the eight flights of stairs.

When she arrived outside Deena's room, the curtains were still covering the window. Sam took a few moments to calm herself down and allow her heart beat to slow so she didn't pass out the second she saw Deena. When she gained some feeling back in her legs she lifted her hand and knocked on the door lightly three times. There were a few moments of silence before she heart a quiet "come in".

When she heard the voice she slowly opened the door to reveal Deena who was indeed awake and fully conscious. She was sitting up against her pillows and had her head phones and a mixtape in her lap. She gave Sam a weak smile that Sam tried to return.

"Hey" Sam breathed.

Deena just continued smiling and gestured for her to sit in the seat next to her bed. Sam approached it slowly and sat down, not taking her eyes off Deena for a second. She looked tired, the bags under her eyes were heavy and her hair was quite messy. It pained Sam to see Deena like this.

Sam couldn't take looking at Deena and stared down at her feet and thumbs, desperate to avoid eye contact.

"You seem nervous" Deena croaked out to her, the weak smile still planted across her face.

"Wouldn't you be?" Sam asked in a playful tone, avoiding eye contact with Deena.

"Fair enough" Deena chuckled.

There were a few moments of awkward silence before Sam could tell Deena was looking at her.

"Sam, w-" Deena tried to begin.

"I just want to say something. Firstly, I am so so sorry. I don't think anyone in history has ever felt as stupid and regretful as me for what I did. I've barely slept, I genuinely think I've cried all fluid out of my body, and I'm just so so upset and angry at myself for what I did an-" Sam started apologising for everything and was speaking so fast but Deena raised her hand to cut her off.

"It's okay" Deena told her.

Sam shifted her gaze from her feet to Deena's face immediately when she said this. Sam had spent countless hours imagining every single scenario they could've been in and how it would end, but Deena forgiving her this quickly was not one of them. Sam felt like she was hallucinating. There was no way this was real.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now