Chapter 75

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As everyone was filing into the hall, there were audible gasps from every person as they saw how transformed the hall was. It went from it's usual boring gymnasium look to a stunning display of decorations, lights and photos. Every inch was covered in something, and there were endless tables of food and punch. One table had a stack of yearbooks on it that would be handed out towards the end of the night.

Deena entered the hall with Kate and Simon on either side of her, and their arms were all linked with each other. They picked a spot in the hall and stayed there as they admired the decorations across the walls.

Sam entered with Peter's hand still on her ass but it only laid there, it wasn't squeezing it anymore. Sam was slightly thankful but still extremely uncomfortable. She tried to shift her focus to the beautiful decorations that were everywhere.

After all the admiration of the decorations had died down, the principal got up onto the stage to speak. He tapped the mic a few times and the hall went dead silent.

"Hello students! Welcome to your very last highschool prom. Our students and committees have gone above and beyond for you in catering and decorations! You all look lovely, and please enjoy this night to it's fullest. There will be awards later tonight for things such as best dressed, Prom King and Queen and other categories so please stay tuned! Enjoy your night" he said and when he finished the hall erupted into loud cheers.

Music then began playing loudly and majority of the people shifted to the dance floor. Deena, Kate and Simon were apart of this group and they found their way to the centre. The three of them spent their time dancing as if nobody was watching so they could enjoy the night. Deena had received various compliments from different girls on her pantsuit. One of them even said she adored the set and wanted to know where she got it from. Deena was just in absolute shock because she never received attention from anyone who wasn't Kate or Simon. I guess you could also count Sam. Sam. Deena's mind turned from enjoying the song to searching for Sam on the dance floor. She felt a little deja vu to Zoe's party but forced the memories of that night out of her head.

She couldn't help but search and scan through the hall. Sam was not on the dance floor but instead she was standing next to Peter. His hand was on her ass and she was laughing and smiling at the conversation he was having with one of his friends. Deena felt herself get enraged. Had she really moved on that quick? Deena meant nothing to her? She felt herself get a little sick and nauseous so she left the dance floor to find some food.

She approached the table and grabbed an empty plate and began picking the foods she wanted to eat before she heard a shrill voice behind her.

"I can't believe she's wearing that, I thought she was a girl!" the voice screeched.

Deena rolled her eyes aggressively at the sound of the condescending voice. She knew it was Sheila, she didn't even have to turn around to know it was her. Deena just kept her back turned to Sheila and this must have angered her because she heard her continue to make comments about Deena's outfit but each time she spoke a little louder.

"I wonder if she shops in the men's section"

"Who even let this dyke in? She's killing my vibe!"

"I bet she has a penis"

The last comment really irritated Deena but she used all the strength in her to not turn around.

"If someone told me I had to be seen with that freak in public or that I'd die, I'd pick the slowest and most painful death over ever being seen with her"

Deena lost all her strength in that moment and she turned around swiftly to see Sheila and her friends. Her friends which included Sam. Deena ignored Sam, but she saw Sheila had a big grin on her face when she turned around and Deena cursed herself silently for falling for her tricks again.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now