Chapter 11

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TW:  SA...

Simon and Deena spent the rest of the day together goofing off and bothering Kate. They knew she was stressed, but kept trying to make her feel better anyways.

It was 6PM when Simon and Deena began to walk to the field to get ready for their pre-game show. Simon said bye to Deena when he saw the Sunnyvale Devil's mascot, leaving Deena to herself and her drum. She was waiting by herself amongst all the other band players from both Shadyside and Sunnyvale. They were scattered all over the field. The bleachers were packed with seas of blue, and flames of red on either side.

The nerves set in for Deena, she didn't know why, no one ever really paid attention to the pre-game shows. She was waiting for everyone to get in line when she remembered she left her drumsticks in her bag by the front of the bleachers in the gymnasium. She slipped away from the crowd and left her drum on the floor, and ran through the underpass and into the hallway to find her bag. She saw her sticks sitting beside them, and she felt so relieved.

She picked them up, and as she was jogging back she heard someone call her name. She looked around and didn't see anyone, so she kept walking to try and get back to the field on time. As she was walking through the underpass where the football players on either side come out of, she heard someone call her name again.


Stopped in her tracks and looked around frantically. She couldn't see anyone. She walked slowly past the underpass, when she felt a hand grab onto her arm and drag her with all their might to a wall behind the bleachers.

She tried to fight them off but her hair was all over her face and she couldn't see who it was. They finally let go of her arm and she brushed her hair out of her face.

"Who the fu-"

She made eye contact with the person who dragged her away.

It was Fiona.

Deena felt a surge of anger, but also embarrassment after she remembered Fiona witnessed Sam and her fighting at Peter's party a couple days ago.

Fiona was a cheerleader for Sunnyvale, and she was wearing the brightest red uniform. Her pom poms were on the ground, and her skirt was so short her arms were longer than it. She had a concerned look on her face.

"What the fuck was that about Fiona?" Deena said, almost shouting.

"Shh!! Jesus, Dee" Fiona shushed her.

"Don't call me that" Deena hissed at her.

"Okay fine, sorry." she apologised.

They just stood there, Fiona leaning against the wall and Deena standing with her hands in her pockets, looking at each other.

"So? Are you gonna answer me?" Deena asked.

Fiona just sighed and looked Deena up and down. Deena noticed Fiona was staring her lips, and Deena felt uncomfortable.

"Seriously, Fiona. What is this about?" Deena repeated.

"Umm." Fiona hesitated. She didn't know how to answer that. It wasn't really about anything, she just wanted to see Deena again, when she was sober. Deena gave her a confused look.

"Look, Deena. I'm sorry how I acted at Pe-" Fiona began but Deena cut her off.

"I really couldn't care any less, Fiona. You were drunk. End of story." she said coldly.

They just stood there in an awkward silence. Fiona was playing with the hangnail on her thumb, staring at the ground. They stayed like that for a couple more seconds until Fiona broke the silence.

".... is it though?" she asked.

"Is what?" Deena followed up.

"Is it really the end of the story? I don't think it is..." Fiona trailed off before she could finish her sentence and shifted her look from the floor to Deena's eyes, meeting them. A warm feeling ran through her body.

"I think it is. In fact, I know it is. Why do you think it's not?"

Deena's question was met with silence. She started kicking the ground with her foot, becoming impatient. They both looked up at each other again, and Fiona started chuckling. Deena did not reciprocate.

"What?" Deena snarked.

"Nothing, just...I've always thought you looked hotter than usual in your band uniform.." Fiona bit her lip, looking Deena up and down again.

Deena was in disbelief. The game was going to start soon, and this is the nonsense Fiona pulled her aside for? Deena was going to respond with a sarcastic or cold remark and walk away, when Fiona grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her into a kiss that Deena didn't want.

Fiona kept her grip hard on the sides of Deena's face, ignoring her fighting to pull away.

Sam was talking with the Sunnyvale cheerleaders, until she noticed Fiona was missing. She asked if anyone saw where she went because she wanted to make sure she was okay after what Deena tried to do to her at Peter's on Tuesday.

She asked around and got no answers until the Sunnyvale Mascot dressed as a Devil said he saw Fiona go behind the bleachers. Sam set on her way, and started jogging to see if Fiona was okay.

She passed the bleachers and reached the wall, where she peaked her head around to see Deena and Fiona kissing. Fiona was pushed against the wall, and was cupping Deena's face. She instantly pulled her head back around the wall, and felt nauseous after what she just saw. Her stomach felt like it was double and triple tied into a knot, and her knees felt weak. She was also angry at Deena. She thought to herself she was mad because Deena probably took advantage of Fiona.

Sam suddenly noticed tears were falling down her face. She was confused and wiped them away instantly. She took a big breath in and walked back to the field, joining the rest of her team.

They asked her where she was.

Deena fought hard and finally broke free from Fiona's grip and stood back and wiped her saliva off her face. Deena was crying and she felt violated. She tried to scrape Fiona off her face, and her body, but every inch of her skin felt dirty.

"WHATTHE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She shouted at Fiona.

Fiona's grin was disrupted and it flipped instantly.

"What do you m-"

"I didn't fucking want that you bitch." she continued shouting.

Fiona tried approaching her but Deena stepped back, her eyebrows furrowed and tears streaming down her face. She was breathing heavy, and couldn't even look at Fiona.

"Deena, I'm sorry... you just looked so good and-"

"You thought that gave you the right to fucking assault me like that?" she couldn't tell if she was screaming or sobbing.

"I just missed you so much and-"

"YOU CHEATED ON ME! You were a secretive piece of shit that never treated me how I deserved, and now you just fucking violated me. You won't let me ever feel peace, will you?"

Fiona gave her a concerned look and was about to respond but Deena ran away before Fiona could get another word out. She was out of breath from crying, screaming and running. She ran her fingers through her hair before she went out on the field. She saw everyone was lined up and was about to start.

She ran as fast as she could, and slipped back into her position and strapped the drum over her shoulder. She sniffled, and took a deep breath in to try and focus on the song.

Sam was about to lie and say she was in the bathroom until she saw Deena running away by herself from behind the bleachers. There was no sight of Fiona, and Sam was disgusted and filled with rage. She turned back around to the rest of her team.

"You won't believe what I just saw."

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now