Chapter 39

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If Sam at this moment could have asked herself a week ago where she would have been, Deena Johnson's bedroom was not an option. Yet here she stood, in her room. She was enamoured. She used every second she had to look everything. It was slightly dark due to the drapes hanging on her windows. There was no bare wall visible anywhere, posters covered every inch. There were posters from movies, but most of them were music. One poster in particular caught Sam's eye. The Pixies. She used to have that exact same poster that Deena had on her wall, except her mother tore it down in a fit of rage that Sam would even listen to "satanic" music like that. Sam didn't realise how much they had in common. She didn't realise she was staring so hard until Deena spoke.

"My room is that disgusting, huh?" she said.

This brought Sam out of her trance. "Uh what? No. It's not. I like it." Sam replied quickly. She sighed to herself quietly knowing that Deena hated her again, and that what they once had was probably now gone forever.

Sam shuffled and sat down on Deena's bed. She could've slept in it at that moment. It was so comfortable and warm compared to the cold breeze that was settling outside. Her room smelled like Deena, and Sam just closed her eyes and appreciated the musky, warm scent that she was so addicted to.

Everything Sam did seemed to irritate Deena. She couldn't help but feel like Sam was judging her for everything - her posters, her room, her clothes. She wanted this project to be over faster than everything. She reached into her closet and pulled out a massive poster with smaller little pieces of paper that were cut to size so they could write on them. She pulled out other supplies like glue and tape, as well as markers.

They began working in silence. A very awkward silence, with a very obvious tension. But Deena chose to ignore the tension and immerse herself within her homework so she could try and forget about the beautiful blonde girl sitting in her bedroom right now.

Sam was attempting to focus, but every attempt failed. She tried to take her mind off Deena, but after seeing her room, her posters and clothes she couldn't help but want to know her more. They had so much in common, and so much to talk about that they couldn't. Sam looked up from her palm cards to see Deena working hard, and scribbling away at her notes. Sam just admired her intelligence. She knew Deena was ranked in all of their classes, but she never flaunted or bragged about it. She watched as Deena put glue on the back of the paper and gently placed it on the poster, running her fingers along the sides to apply pressure so it stuck. Sam watched her two fingers run along the edge so gently, and her stomach exploded with butterflies. She wanted to slap herself right there, but she couldn't take her eyes off Deena's hands, and how they moved so elegantly.

Their moments of intimacy replayed in her head now. The feeling of Deena's fingers gently caressing Sam's body up and down. How good they felt against her skin, and how caring Deena was with her. She missed her touch. Sam realised she had been staring at Deena's hands for almost five minutes now, and she brought her gaze back to her card. She finished writing what was on that section reached for the glue. She applied it to the back of the paper and as she was trying to stick it down it wasn't staying. She tried to hold it for a few seconds, but the corners curled up.

Deena giggled.

Sam chucked her head around at her. "What's so funny?" she spat.

She continued chuckling.

"You don't know how to glue paper?" she laughed. Sam's cheeks turned red and she felt her blood slightly boil.

"Of course I fucking do. I'm not stupid." Sam replied.

"Kinda seems like you are." Deena laughed at her again.

Sam balled her hand into a fist and began banging the paper so it would stick, but it kept curling up and not staying. She let out a loud groan, which made Deena laugh even harder.

"Would you stop fucking laughing at me you asshole?" Sam yelled out of frustration. Deena tried to stifle her laughs but Sam's anger just made her enjoy this even more.

Deena stopped sitting and sat on her knees. She shuffled over to the poster where Sam was trying to stick the paper down. Deena grabbed the gluestick with her left hand. She shuffled in closer so that her and Sam's faces were only inches away. Deena's right hand moved on top of Sam's, and it lingered there.

Sam was in shock at what Deena was doing. Everything was happening as if it was in slow motion. She instantly blushed when Deena's hand found the warmth of hers, and Deena noticed she was blushing. Deena had a small grin on her face.

Deena used her hand on top of Sam's to peel the paper off, turn it around and apply the glue to all the edges. She then used Sam's hand to put the paper back on the poster, and slid her fingers in between Sam's. Their fingers were laying next to each other, and Deena puppetted Sam's to run them along the sides slowly. As she did this, she looked up into Sam's eyes to see that Sam was already staring at her.

Deena couldn't help but blush at meeting Sam's gaze. All her hate and annoyance towards Sam instantly melted away the second she met her beautiful blue eyes again. They had the same warmth as before. She studied her eyes for a moment.

Sam's frown turned into a small smile, waiting for Deena to return one. She did. She felt like fireworks were being set off in her stomach. Deena didn't hate her. She was so relieved. She just looked into Deena's eyes, her beautiful brown eyes. Sam bit her lip, and Deena saw that she did, and began staring at Sam's lips. Sam's breathing hitched when she saw Deena staring at her lips, but she couldn't bring herself to kiss Deena. Her breathing became heavy and deep, and Deena matched it. The two of them were breathing heavy, with a hot sensation forming between both of their thighs. Sam then turned her hand over so her palm was facing Deena's, and she interlaced her fingers with hers. She tightened her grip so that she was holding Deena's hand. Deena's gaze didn't move, and she shifted it from her lips to Sam's eyes and back to her lips again. Sam licked her lips, enticing Deena.

Deena was fighting back the roaring urge to kiss Sam's lips at that moment. She wanted nothing more than to taste her, every bit of her. She wanted to feel Sam's lips on hers again, and she needed to hear Sam's reactions. She needed her in every single way imaginable. She couldn't care less about what Kate or Simon would say right now - they didn't have a gorgeous blonde sitting inches away from their faces driving them crazy. Deena couldn't take it anymore. She slowly leaned her face in, staring into Sam's eyes now. Sam did the same, and their lips were only centimetres away. They both lingered there - their hot breath mixing, and breathing faster. Sam's grip on Deena's hand tightened as the sexual tension grew more and more. The lust and desperation was unbearable for both of them. Sam couldn't take it. She brought her lips closer to Deena's and just as they were about to meet -

Knock, knock, knock.

They instantly pulled apart.

"Come in!" Deena shouted, her voice shaking, and her breathing still heavy.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now