Chapter 43

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Deena sat on her bed in her towel and just rested her head in her hands. She started crying. Her and Sam were finally in a good place, and Deena had serious feelings for Sam. She just hurt her again and returned back to her old ways like it was nothing. Deena wiped her tears away as she heard the water stop running in the bathroom. She got changed into a pair of clothes and picked out baggy shorts and the sweater and just waiting for Sam to enter the room.

Sam cautiously opened her door, and entered without saying a word. She gently shut the door, and silently sat down on Deena's bed. She was looking at Deena, her eyes red and puffy from crying in the shower. 

Deena shoved the sweater and shorts into her chest and turned away.

"There. I want those back too" she said angrily, and she left the bedroom, slamming the door shut. 

Sam flinched at the sound of the door being slammed shut. It was loud and triggered her sobbing again, now she was sobbing uncontrollably. She sat there for a few minutes, then wiped away her tears. She walked out with the towel still wrapped around her body.

"Deena, can we please talk?" she pleaded.

"The last thing I want to do right now is talk to you, Sam"  Deena snarked, sitting on the couch. She couldn't even look at Sam. She was fighting back the tears that were welling in her eyes, and she turned up the volume on the TV so she would be distracted.

Sam's heart ached in a bad way after Deena said that. "I didn't mean it, I'm really sorry."

Deena just turned the TV up louder, ignoring Sam. 

"Please, Deena. Can we just talk about this?" Sam pled again.

Deena grabbed the remote and turn the TV to max volume. It was hurting her ears but it drowned out the sound of Sam's voice. Deena knew if she focused on what Sam was saying, she would start crying. She was hurt.

Sam's stomach was churning at the sight of Deena ignoring her again. She walked over to the couch, picked up the remote and turned the TV off.

"What the fuck?" Deena shouted at her, angrily.

"Just fucking listen to me!" Sam shouted back at her.

Deena had enough of this. "What excuse could you possibly use now?!" she hissed at her.

"It's not an excuse, because I really didn't mean it!" Sam cried.

"You never do, do you? You never fucking mean anything. I bet you also didn't mean it when you said you liked me, or that you thought I was beautiful!" Deena said, almost screaming at her. She couldn't fight against the tears any longer, and her vision became blurry.

"I did mean that! Deena, I swear. I really, really like you an-"

"Do you think that this is some sort of fucking game? That I'm just a toy you can play with until you feel better about yourself, then dump me?!" Deena shouted at her, streams of tears running down her face.

Sam saw how much Deena was crying, and her eyes began to well with tears as she listened to Deena yell at her. 

"No.. I don't" Sam whispered. Her voice was shaky as she was fighting back tears. A painful sensation in her throat began to form as she tried to prevent herself form crying.

"You clearly do! First at camp. YOU kissed ME. Then you humiliated me in front of everyone! Then you went and got back together with Jackson and kissed him in front of me. You're so fucked up, Sam." Deena said, her voice breaking at points when her emotions began to take over.

"Deena, I don't know how to do this! I don't know what any of this means, I don't know who I am. All I do know is that I can't stop thinking about you." Sam pleaded with her. Streams of tears began drowning her cheeks.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now