Chapter 7

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"Hey, are you okay, Sam?" asked the other girl.

Sam couldn't respond. She just looked into the mirror and sighed heavily. Her sigh was shaky, and as it fell from her chest, so did tears.

"Sam, are you crying?" the voice asked again.

Deena was in shock at this comment, and tried to listen as intently as she could.

"I just-" Sam couldn't finish her sentence.

She looked at her friend, Sheila. Sam's eyes were puffy and red from holding back her tears, and her knees were weak from fear. Her stomach was in a knot, and she kept a firm bite on her lip.

"Look, Sam. Everyone knows that chick is insane or somewhat deranged." Sheila tried to console her.

Deena made a face at that comment but kept listening to see how Sam would respond.

"I can understand why she thought it was me." Sam replied, with a shaky voice.

Deena was confused. What did that mean?

"Come on, Sam. It's just us, you don't have to pretend anymore" said Sheila.

"No, seriously. It wasn't me. I know I'm a bitch, but I wouldn't do something stupid like that."

"Why not?"

There was silence. Sam didn't know how to respond to that question. A little part of her wanted to say that maybe there was a chance she didn't actually hate Deena as much as she seemed to. Maybe she didn't hate her at all. She ignored that, and reminded herself of Deena's sexuality.

".....Sam?" Sheila asked.

Deena heard the deafening silence. She hated Sam, and felt like she could predict what her answer would be to that question. But a small part of Deena hoped Sam would admit she's pretending to act like this. Deena had to stifle her laughing at what she just thought because there was no way.

Sam realised she had been staring intently at the sink, thinking about how to respond to that question. She didn't want to seem suspicious so she went with the first answer that came to mind.

"Oh, uhm. You know my mother, she would find out somehow." Sam replied.

Sheila was quiet for a second, and this made Sam feel tense.

She then laughed. "You're so right, Sammy. She would totally find out and then give you some weird ass punishment."

Sam laughed at the comment, but slightly cringed at the nickname she used.

"Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if she used this as an actual excuse to try and wipe my own ass for me." Sam joked.

The two girls laughed, Sam's more fake than real. Deena wasn't surprised at this answer, and her mother finding out was the reason she predicted. She called herself stupid to think that any part of Sam saw her as a genuine human being with feelings.

The bell rung for next period, and Deena waited until the two girls left to open the door and sigh to herself. She washed her face with cold water to calm herself down as she would be seeing the girl she almost knocked out next period.

Deena grabbed her backpack and made her way to the science labs. She was only willing to go to see Kate and tell her about what just happened. She found Kate sitting at their usual table.

Sam was chatting with Sheila at their science table at the front. Peter Chernin was also sitting at their table, openly flirting with Sam. She never paid much attention to Peter's remarks, no matter how sexual they were. She didn't like him that, and he would say about anything to get into a girl's pants, but she didn't want to seem rude so she accepted the compliments and sometimes flirted back. She was still shaken from what happened at lunch. She was more upset than scared, but also curious about who keyed that into her locker.

She heard laughs coming from the back of the room and she turned around to see Kate and Deena laughing with each other, and playfully hitting each other. Sam watched Deena like it was in slow-motion, and clenched her jaw as she did.

"How can she act like that after what she did?" Sheila asked Sam, noticing Sam was staring at Deena.

Sam was woken out of her trance and realised that Sheila had asked her a question.

"Sam?" Sheila asked.

"Sorry, uhm. I'm just still a bit shaken."

"That's understandable. After what that freak did, I was so scared she was going to kill you or something." Sheila joked, with a slight tone of concern.

Peter let out a laugh.

"I was hoping to see some action" he smirked.

Sheila gave him a look and nodded to Sam.

"Not the fighting kind" he reassured her, smirking at Sam.

Sam rolled her eyes while Sheila playfully hit his shoulder. Sam couldn't find her focus at all that lesson and kept replaying the argument in her mind. She rested her head on her hands, and completely disassociated for the lesson, Deena's shouts that were replaying in her head drowned out Peter and Sheila's pathetic flirting and gossip.

The day progressed to their second break. While everyone was eating lunch, Sam stayed behind and went to the bathrooms instead. There was no one else in there, and she took off her shirt in the mirror and turned half way around. The bruising was already starting to show. Patches of dark pink and a slight tinge of purple began forming near her shoulder blades and lower back. As she was looking in the mirror with concern, the door bust open.

Kate found herself shocked at the sight of Sam. She then realised she was shirtless and saw the bruises on her back. Sam quickly held her shirt to her torso, out of shame. Kate was by herself and just stood there, with a stern look on her face.

She approached the sink next to Sam and began washing her hands.

"Kate.." Sam tried to start.

"Save it. I know what you did, and it's fucking disgusting. You're lucky the game is tomorrow and that I can't cut you from the team. That would not be nearly enough though. You deserve to rot." Kate spat at Sam.

Kate turned off the tap, fuelled by anger and ripped the paper towels out of the dispenser.

"No Kate, seriously-"

"I said fucking save it, Fraser" Kate shouted as she opened the door and slammed it shut, leaving Sam and her bruises by herself.

Sam was overwhelmed with shame at that moment. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, and she couldn't hold them back anymore. She started sobbing, hard. She had never felt so alone, and so vulnerable. She was shirtless, by herself and covered in bruises that would only get worse. Her manipulative and narcissistic mother was waiting for her at home and none of her friends genuinely cared.

Maybe she deserved this.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now