Chapter 16

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The intercom crackled then shut off. Sam's face went from frightened to smirking at her, knowing that Deena couldn't do anything. Kate and Simon looked at each other then at Deena with concern. Deena was so angry she ignored everyone's faces and whatever remarks they made.

She stormed off on her way to the principal's office, with Kate and Simon following closely behind her. She didn't even realise how fast she was walking, it was almost a run. She arrived at the principal's office, and stopped in her tracks when she saw through the window Sheriff Nick Goode and his deputy waiting with the principal. She started freaking out and tried to turn back the other way but ran right into Simon's chest.

"What th- Were you guys following me?" she asked in between breaths.

"We weren't gonna just leave you, Dee" Kate consoled.

Deena looked back at the Sheriff and sighed,

"I can't believe this is happening. What do I do?" she asked desperately.

Kate took a moment to think.

"The only thing you can do. Tell them the truth. But do not talk if you don't have to - and above all, Deena. This is serious: Stay Calm. The Sheriff hates Shadysiders, and is just looking for an excuse to lock up more of them" said Kate, with that same stern look she gives people to assure them she does not fuck around.

Deena took a moment to get her breathing under control and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

She turned around to enter what she called in her mind: The Lion's Den.

She knocked on the principal's door until he gestured for her to come in. It was silent and there was a thick tension lingering in the air. All three of them looked serious and threatening.

"Please take a seat, Miss Johnson." the principal said.

She did exactly as she was told, trying to not show how badly she was shaking so they didn't think she was nervous or guilty.

She crossed her legs so she wouldn't bounce them up and down out of nerves.

Sheriff Nick Goode was looking at her up and down. There was a loud silence before he began to talk.

"We're here today, Miss Johnson, because we got an anonymous allegation accusing you of.. well, rape. Of another woman to be exact." he said.

Deena just sat there and thought to herself: Of course you did. Fucking Sam.

"Now the credibility of these claims is not clear, but as Sheriff, and according to school policy, we must investigate every claim of assault of any kind, no matter the credibility or not."

"Now we've spoken to a few students already. Would you mind telling me where you were the night of the football game?" he pulled out his note pad and pen. He clicked the open.

Deena took a deep breath.

"I was here. On the football field, waiting in line with the rest of the band for our pre-game show. I'm a percussionist." her voice was strong. She was not going to let Samantha fucking Fraser ruin her once again.

"Did you leave the line at any point?" he asked. His eyes were shallow, and held an ominous depth to them that unsettled Deena.

"No." she said confidently.

He was writing on his notepad for a bit and then he looked up again.

"Can you explain to me why the other students we've talked to, who were also here that night, each said they saw you leave the line?"

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now