Chapter 12

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It was nearing late in the night. The game had just finished. Shadyside had beaten Sunnyvale by 6 points, so there was a buzz of excitement and redemption that lingered.

Deena was so focused on her drumming and the game that she forgot all about Fiona. After the game finished, she remembered what happened and her mood instantly was ruined. Even beating their rival team couldn't cheer her up. Simon was so excited after they won, and he was mocking all the Sunnyvalers. He stole the horns of their mascot and put it down his pants and threw it back at them, and everyone was laughing at Sunnyvale.

When Simon found Deena, he began rambling about all the best plays they had until he realised that Deena's energy didn't match his.

"What's up, Dee? What could possibly upset you on a victorious night like this?" he asked playfully. Deena just looked up at him with tears in her eyes and he held her in a tight hug. Her head was laying against his chest as the tears fell from her eyes. They broke the hug and she told him about what happened with Fiona.

"I'm going to kill that Sunnyvale prick." He threatened. Deena wanted to laugh at the thought of Simon trying to beat her up, but failing, but she couldn't bring herself to laugh. She was too upset at what Fiona did to her to think about anything else.

It was at that moment when Kate ran up to them with a scared look on her face, breathing heavily.
"Deena!" she said, noticing Deena was crying.

"What?" Deena said through her sobs.

"We need to leave. NOW!" she stated, with a serious look on her face.

"What, why?" Simon asked.

Kate gave him an impatient look and he shrugged.

"Sam told everyone that you apparently raped Fiona?? I don't believe it for a second, but she's told everyone. Including the SUNNYVALE FOOTBALLERS." Kate said, almost running out of breath.

She just looked at Deena, and saw her vulnerable she was. Kate kept looking over her shoulder and Simon asked why she kept doing that.

"I told you, we need to leave NOW. They're angry Deena, they are so angry. We need to seriously go now before we get hurt. They were talking about ambushing you at your car, and some of them have knives. I suggest we book it through the back door by the gymnasium as fast as we can."

Deena was shocked. She didn't know what to do, and for the first time she felt afraid of what someone else could do to her. She noticed a group of Sunnyvale footballers pointing at them and they started running towards the three of them.

"SHIT!" Deena shouted, pointing at them. She grabbed Simon and Kate by the arms, and they started sprinting as fast as they could into the hallways, and slowly opened the double doors. They shouts of the footballers were echoing through the hallways, and were becoming louder, indicating they were getting closer.

They entered the gymnasium quietly, only to see Sam and the rest of the Sunnyvale cheerleading team standing at the backdoor.

"Fuck" Simon whispered. They hadn't been noticed yet, so the three dropped to their knees and crawled into the locker rooms. They crawled as fast as they could across the cold tiles.

They heard the doors to the gym burst open so fast that they flung into the wall, causing a bang to echo across the gym. Kate shut her eyes due to how loud the bang was. Deena had to cover her mouth from gasping.

They were cornered.

"Where the fuck is that dyke" they heard one of the male voices shout.

"CHECK THE BLEACHERS!" one of the girls voices shouted, and they heard them running to the bleachers to search them.

"Don't forget the storage lockers! Let's split up!"

The trio felt tense, and the stress of this situation was getting to them. Simon and Kate were whisper arguing with each other on what to do. Deena was zoning out, not even being able to realise what was happening to her was real. Then she remembered that the locker room also had toilets with a vent.

She tapped on Simon and Kate's shoulders to stop them from arguing and gestured for them to calm down. They looked at her angrily, and she pointed towards the passageway to the toilets. They shook their heads at Deena.

"Zoe, Peter and Jackson come with me to the locker room!" shouted a female voice, except this one was familiar. Sam was coming into the locker room, and the trio were lost for words.

Deena took this as an opportunity to crawl as fast as she could to the toilets. They didn't have any other option, so Kate and Simon followed her. When they entered the toilets, the three of them quietly stood up, and moved so slow as to not make any sounds. They heard footsteps enter the locker room.

"Check behind the shower curtains too." a male voice said.

The showers were right next to the toilets. Simon looked like he was about to pass out. Deena opened the door to the middle cubicle and pointing towards the vent. Kate nodded her head, smirking, and mouthed the words "Hell yeah, Ladykiller". Kate took the initiative to stand on the toilet seat, and took off one of her rings and used the back of it to undo the screws as quietly as she could.

One screw done.

"Check the changing rooms." They were getting closer.

Two more screws done.

Deena's hands and knees were shaking. Simon was silently yelling at Kate to hurry up, and in doing so he accidentally knocked the door to the cubicle they were in. The door flung inwards and make a small bang. There was silence.

Deena turned around and gave Simon a glare that almost made his ass leak.

"THE TOILETS!" one of the voices shouted.

Kate had gotten the last screw out and shoved the cover far into the vent. She had already climbed in. The footsteps got faster and were approaching. Deena pulled Simon into the cubicle and locked the door as fast as she could. Simon climbed into the vent after Kate, and was through until the two girls and boys had entered the toilets and were kicking down the doors. There were about twelve of the cubicles and had only kicked three down so far. Deena stood and climbed as fast as she could while remaining quiet.

She couldn't lift herself into the vent, so Simon grabbed onto her legs and pulled her in. Deena had to enter backwards so she could put the cover of the vent back on. The boys were at their cubicle.


"We've got you now fag" said Sam.

"Do it." another girl voice said.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now