Chapter 17

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Kate and Simon immediately began their plan to save Deena and bring her back to school the second they shut her front door. Justice could not come soon enough.

"Alright Si. The first thing we do when we get back to school is we go talk to Sam. We corner her, alone. Maybe pull out a knife or switchblade to make us seem more threatening." Kate said.

"You don't need a knife to seem threatening" Simon joked.

"This isn't a laughing matter, you idiot. We seriously need to focus and help Deena, otherwise she won't return to school. If she gets charged for this, this WILL ruin her life. So it doesn't matter how many others we have to ruin to save hers." she said coldly. She was so focused on the plan, her mind was running one thousand miles an hour. She was scared, frightened even. But she made a promise to Deena, and she had to keep it.

When they got back to school it was lunch time. They walked into the cafeteria together, and everyone looked at first, but when they realised Deena wasn't with them the whispers started.

"I just wish everyone minded their own fucking business" said Kate, angrily.

"Fat chance" Simon replied.

Kate scanned the room for Sam and she wasn't there. She was excited, and dragged Simon to the girl's bathroom.

"I can't go in there."

"Fine. At least stand outside and make sure no one else comes in until I come out."

Simon agreed and opened the door for Kate, and he immediately stepped in front of it. When Kate entered the bathroom, Sam was there, combing her hair. When she walked in the bathroom went silent. There were two other girls fixing their makeup in the mirror, and one shut cubicle.

Kate looked at them.

"Out. Now."

The two girls ran out, and Sam tried to walk out with them but Kate stepped in front of her.

"Not you."

She pushed Sam back, and knocked on the closed cubicle. Someone shouted that it was occupied and she kicked down the door.

"What the h- Oh Kate." they said. It was a girl, she wasn't using the bathroom she was just reading a book.

"Get out."

The girl obeyed and left as quickly as she could without making eye contact with Kate. Then it was just her and Sam. She could feel the nerves radiating off Sam.

"So. How does it feel?" Kate asked her coldly.

"H-how does what feel?" Sam whimpered.

"Don't play fucking stupid with me. I heard you spreading that lie." Kate spat.

She expected Sam to disagree or fight back but she didn't. She just looked at the ground and avoided eye contact.

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you" Kate hissed.

Sam slowly looked up and gulped. She locked eyes with Kate, and she felt he knees go weak and her stomach churn. She was terrified.

"Now, you're going to answer every question honestly. Don't even try to fucking lie, because I'll know."

Sam nodded. Kate pushed her into one of the cubicles and ordered her to sit. She felt that making Sam sit while she stood towering over her would make her more likely to tell the truth.

"Did you call the cops?"


"I said don't fucking lie."

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now