Chapter 60

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"Sammy! I swear I haven't seen you all dayyyy" Sheila's voice screeched.

Deena hated the sound of her voice for many reasons. It belonged to Sheila, it was just an annoying voice, and many others. She stood there behind her locked door trying to figure out what she wanted to do. She stepped back and lifted the lid down and sat on it, holding her knees to her chest so they couldn't see her feet under the door. Deena listened intently to their conversation.

"Y-yeah. Hah. I came late because of Dad, y'know" Deena heard Sam's voice say.

Deena could listen to Sam's voice all day. She blushed at the sound of her warm, soft voice and felt a little twinge of jealousy that she wasn't the only one that could hear it.

"Really, Sammy?" Sheila said.

"What?" Sam asked her.

"We've been friends for ages, Sammy..." Sheila began to say.

Deena couldn't stop cringing at the nickname Sheila was giving Sam.

"I've only been here for under four months." Sam's voice said coldly.

Deena peered through the space between the door and cubicle wall and she could just barely make out the blonde hair that she loved.

"Quality over Quantity, Sammy. Always the depth of connection over the extent. Anyways, we were like besties in elementary" Sheila explained.

"You bullied me like every day, Sheila" Sam scoffed.

"Only because I loved you! I never say anything that's not true." Sheila told her in a condescending voice. This comment angered Sam.

"I c-" Sam tried to say but she was cut off.

"As I was saying my beloved Sammy, I've known you for ages. Which means I can practically smell your fibs" Sheila told her.

Both Sam and Deena froze in that moment. There was no way that Sheila knew that Sam had been lying. Deena felt a sweat begin to form on her forehead and began listening as hard as she could.

"W-what do you mean? I'm not lying..." Sam stammered. She never used to be obvious when she was lying like this, but Sheila had a very invasive energy and her mere eye contact was enough to make Sam feel uncomfortable.

"Oh dear Sam, why do you doubt me?" Sheila asked her.

"Sheila's basically a bloodhound with liars" another voice said. Deena could barely make out who it was but she assumed it to be Zoe's voice.

Deena heard the rest of the girls hum in agreeance with Zoe's statement. Deena rolled her eyes aggressively at their cultish agreement. She didn't understand why everyone loved Sheila so much. She was rude and so condescending towards everyone else.

"Now, answer me this" Sheila began speaking in a tone that was different from her last. It was serious.

Sheila began to talk again. "You come late to school, and some ten minutes later appears the one and only Deena Johnson"

Deena's jaw dropped at the mention of her name. It was like Sheila had dropped a bomb into their conversation. The entire vibe of the room shifted immediately, and Deena swallowed loudly.

Sam tried to maintain her composer, but the mention of Deena's name led to a feeling of anxiety rushing over her. She was avoiding eye contact with Sheila but forced her gaze to meet Sheila's. Sam couldn't tell if she was shaking, blushing or sweating. She didn't want to seem suspicious to Sheila. Sam took a shallow breath in before remembering who she was and what a great liar she could be. Her mother had spent her entire life preparing Sam's ability to lie for this moment.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now