Chapter 22

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"Deena! It's for you!" Josh yelled over Deena's loud music. Whenever Deena listened to The Pixies, it had to be at full volume.

She turned the music down and took the phone off Josh, slapping the back of his neck.


"Deena!" two voices said at the same time.

"Kate? Simon? Are you two together right now?"

"Yes, Dee, I was so shocked when I got the call I ran straight over to Simon's to talk about it." she heard Kate say.

"Thanks for the invite" Deena joked.

"Deena you won't believe this." Simon's voice said this time.

"What is it? You know I hate suspense, just get to the point."

"Sam called me inviting us to a massive party she's having at her house tomorrow. She said it's going to be huge, and said it would be okay if you came."

"We know how you feel about parties, Deena. But think about it! This is going to be massive, and who knows, you might be able to ask her about her mother!" she heard Simon say.

Deena was conflicted. She hated parties. She hated Sam. Why would she combine the two things she hated most at this moment?

"Guys I don't know. Especially if I have to see her."

"We knew you were going to say that, so we already organised a ride there and back. You don't have to be sober, Dee! You can drink until you don't know if Kate is Simon, or if Simon is Kate" Kate joked.

Even though Deena wasn't the biggest fan of drinking because of her dad, it had been a while since she had a drink.

"You deserve to have fun, Dee!" Simon said.

"Okay, okay. Stop trying to sell it, I'll go with you guys."

"Oh perfect! We'll come to yours at 5 tomorrow. We'll tell our ride to meet at your house."

"Okay, see you guys."

They both said bye to Deena. She can't believe she just said yes to going back to Sam's house of horrors again tomorrow night. Some part of her felt excited, but this excitement was replaced with worry over what she was going to wear.

She didn't know why she cared, she had never cared about how she looked before. But now, she felt was the moment she needed to look good. She ran to her closet and raided it. She pulled every shirt, every button up and every pair of pants she had and threw it onto her bed.

She searched through it like a madman. She tried on a variety of outfits, but nothing felt right. She was getting frustrated, when her stereo began to play "Hey" by The Pixies. She knew what she wanted to wear.

It was almost 5pm the next day. Deena barely got any sleep that night. She didn't know whether it was because of nerves or excitement. Simon and Kate showed up early, and they looked amazing. They thought the same of Deena, and they complimented her outfit.

"Are you sure I look good?"

They didn't answer and just stared at her.


"You know you have literally never asked us that question, in our entire 12 years of knowing you, you have never once asked us if you thought you looked good" said Kate.

"Shut up!" Deena joked and they all laughed.

"Seriously though, do I look okay?" she asked

Kate and Simon laughed.

"Yes, Dee, you look incredibly sexy." said Kate.

Simon looked like he wanted to say something, but didn't. He knew Deena hated that.

"What is it, Simon? Do I not look good?"

"No! You do, I swear. But you've never cared about your looks before. Is this because of Sam?"

His question was left with no response. Deena felt offended that he would even imply that she in any way liked Sam, but she also knew that he was right, that she had never cared or asked about her looks before.

"No, I just wanna make sure no one has an excuse to make fun of me at the party"

Simon just nodded his head, but Deena knew he didn't believe her. There was an awkward silence that was interrupted by the beeping of a car outside. It was their taxi.

The three of them squished into the backseat as the car drove the route to Sam's house.

Kate paid the guy a $20 bill and sent him on his way. They turned to face Sam's house, and it was packed. It was busier than Peter's party, it was busier than any party any of them had ever been too. There were people from all schools and towns that weren't just Shadyside and Sunnyvale.

The three of them walked up her driveway, and into the house through the same mahogany doors they walked through just over 24 hours ago. Deena felt like she had a little Deja vu.

They entered her house, and the sophisticated and spacious look it had yesterday had completely changed. Music was blasting, there were empty cans and bottles everywhere. A thick cloud of smoke sat just underneath the ceiling. Deena felt herself get more excited.

"Come on, let's go raid the kitchen for drinks!" Simon urged. The three of them pushed through the seas of people into the kitchen, which was still extremely busy but less packed than the other rooms. First they did three rounds of shots with some warm tequila that had been sitting on the bench.

Deena, remembering she didn't have to drive anyone home, chugged a cup that was a mixture of lemonade and vodka.

"Woahh there. You really needed this didn't you?" Kate asked Deena, already a little tipsy.

Deena just nodded and continued finishing her cup. She was still sober and need more to push her over the edge. The three of them did two more rounds of shots, and when Deena threw her glass away she was beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol.

She stumbled a little bit, and noticed an immediate urge to want to do something stupid. She also felt in the urge to flirt with people. She took a bottle of beer with her as the three of them went to go talk to people. They ended up in the main room, which was the largest and where most people were dancing. Kate took the three of them by the hands and dragged them into the centre of the dance floor.

Deena never liked to dance, but in this moment she wanted nothing more than to the music. She then heard the next song playing. It was Madonna. Deena fucking loved Madonna.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now