Chapter 4

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With hair that was as red as fire, and a face freckled at every inch, Deena's ex-girlfriend, Fiona West was there. She was a Sunnyvale High student that dated Deena for three months last year, until she cheated on him with a guy from her football team. It broke Deena. She tried to turn away but she heard a drunken voice shout.

"DDeeeeeDeeee" slurred the voice.

Deena turned around to see Fiona resting her head on both of her hands on the kitchen table. She was staring intently at Deena.

"What?" Deena asked coldly.

"Whyy so mean, DeeDee? Don't you miss me?" Fiona slurred again.

"Don't call me that. And no, I don't. Leave me alone" Deena responded. Fiona acted very hurt, and even clutched her hand to her chest. Deena rolled her eyes.

"Fiona, I've been looking for you all night!" said a familiar voice, emerging out of the waves of people. It was Sam. She saw that Fiona was talking to Deena and was staring at her.

"Fiona. Is she bothering you?" Sam asked her coldly.

"Other way around, Fraser." Deena scoffed.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that, Johnson?" Sam sneered.

"Noooo, Sammy don't call DeeDee that... She don't like being called Johnson" Fiona giggled to herself.

Deena felt a wave of anger, mixed with embarrassment drown out the loud music. She can't believe Fiona just called her DeeDee in front of the snob. As if Sam needed another reason to make fun of Deena.

"How about you both stop calling me that? In fact, why don't you stop speaking to me forever?" Deena said, her anger edging on rage the longer she had to stare at the two girls.

"Don't act all innocent. I've heard things about you." Sam said, looking her up and down.

Deena walked up close to her.

"Like what? Tell me what Pretty Princess Fraser has heard that's so terrible?" Deena hissed.

Sam moved closer to her.

"That you're a raging lesbo desperate for a shot with everyone." Sam replied.
"Clearly it's true" Sam continued to say, looking at Fiona drunkenly talking to herself.

"Sounds like you want in too?" Deena jeered.

Sam gasped, and stood there in shock. Deena moved closer towards Sam, to the point where they were practically inches away from each other. Sam felt Deena's hot breath hitting her cheek. Sam bit her lip and furrowed her brows, desperate not to break eye contact. She continued staring into Deena's hazel brown eyes and felt a slight flush of heat build up in her cheeks when Deena kept her eyes locked onto Sam's.

"Call me a slur again, Fraser" Deena whispered.

She moved her lips near Sam's ears until they were grazing the edge of her earlobe.

"I dare you." She whispered again.

Deena pulled away, and had the most frightening look on her face. It made Sam nervous, but Sam tried to keep her cool. The tension was building by the second, but was ruined by Fiona.

"Nowwww kissss heheh" Fiona said to them.

"I'd rather spend the night with Peter Chernin" said Deena angrily.

Sam had finally gotten her composure back and was about to respond but Deena cut her off.

"You better watch your back when you speak to people like that and call them slurs. You don't know anything about me, if you did, then you would know that blondes aren't my type." Deena shouted angrily. 

Her head was pounding with rage, and as each pound hit her, the angrier she got. She walked away, desperate to find Kate and Simon. She shoved through people rudely in the crowd trying to search for them.

Sam was standing there, in shock at what Deena had just told her. Fiona was still rambling on with her drunk nonsense - leaving Sam to her thoughts. She tried to take her mind off what had just happened by taking every drink, shot or bottle of alcohol she was offered. But nothing was enough to shake the overwhelming feeling of nausea and anxiety that was consuming her after the fight with Deena. 

Deena was mad. She kept bumping into people, one guy even spilling a little bit of his drink on Deena. It took everything in her not to start a fight with him. Just as she turned around to say something, she saw the back of a head that looked extraordinarily familiar to her. She followed the head, which led her out of the kitchen. She found Simon downing shots with some Sunnyvalers across the room. She told him it was time to go, and he protested a bit. But when he saw how serious Deena's face was, he knew better than to mess with her. They found Kate in the middle of a dance circle and they left as quickly as they could.

"Thank God you got me out of that circle. I don't know how many more times I could watch Joseph Evans do the worm and pretend to laugh" Kate said with relief.

Deena took them each home and when she pulled into her driveway she felt a sense of relief that the night was over. She walked into her house feeling underwhelmed from the party, and regretting her sober state. It meant she had to endure every moment of it, and it definitely meant that she would remember everything that happened. She tried to calm herself down by listening to some music before she slept, but nothing would shake the feeling of apprehension she felt towards tomorrow. Tomorrow she would have to have to see Sam in History. The one class she used to have to herself she now had to share with the person that was hell bent on making her life miserable. Deena tried to plan all the things she would say to her if she tried to sit at Deena's table. She ran through all the scenarios in her head, but ultimately Deena grew too tired to care at this point, and her sleep. She wrapped herself in her blankets, desperate to feel the softness of her pillow. She pulled out a shirt from underneath her pillow just to hold her mother's shirt close to her.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now