Chapter 68

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Kate and Simon turned around at the sound of the voice so fast they almost got whiplash. To their uttermost surprise and shock, Deena was awake. Her eyes were open and it looked like she had a faint smile on her face as she looked at them.

"Is this real?" Simon whispered to Kate.

Kate was just staring at Deena in absolute shock. "I don't know" she replied back to him.

"Deena?" Simon asked.

"Hey..." she groaned through her oxygen mask.

Both Kate and Simon's jaw dropped and they shut the door immediately and ran to her side as fast as they could. Simon almost knocked over a few chairs and they sat down with huge smiles on their faces.

"How are you feeling?"

"What happened?"

"Are you okay?"

"We were so worried!"

Out of their excitement and joy they bombarded her with so many questions and comments that Deena got tired just listening to them.

"Woah.." she breathed in a low voice.

The two of them laughed and apologised. They held Deena's hands tightly and just looked at her with pure adoration.

Deena was so exhausted. Her eyelids were so heavy and she wasn't sure if this was real or not, but it felt very real. She had an oxygen mask attached to her face and she could hear faint beeping behind her. The entire scenery was very foreign and she didn't recognise anything but her best friends.

"Where am I?" she asked quietly.

"Deena, you're in the hospital" Simon told her gently.

Deena felt like she had been hit and ran over by a twenty tonne truck. Suddenly all the masks and tubes stuck in her made sense. Her entire body was weak but she was strong enough to lift her hands to her eyes and rub them so she could focus a little better.

"What happened?" she asked.

"We're not too sure but after the fight you drove home..." Simon began.

"..Which was very dangerous, might I add" interrupted Kate.

"And when you got home you called Kate but you didn't say anything" continued Simon, rolling his eyes a little at Kate's comment.

It was all beginning to come back to Deena. The fight, the feeling of the metal piercing her skin, Sam...

"What do you mean I didn't say anything? I told Kate that I was hurt and needed help.." Deena said.

Kate raised an eyebrow at her and looked at her concerningly. "No? Deena, it was just murmurs. It sounded like you were having a stroke honestly" Kate explained.

Deena sighed. Her head was hurting really bad, the light that barely existed was blinding, her mouth was extremely dry and she was starving. Deena could feel that there were drugs in her system that were wearing off, and she was feeling the crash heavily.

"Go on.." Deena told them.

"Well, when I got the call you just hung up after murmuring so I tried to call back a few times and you didn't answer. I thought it was a prank call honestly so I thought nothing of it..." Kate said with a growing feeling of regret and disappointment in herself for not being able to notice what was happening.

"It wasn't until Josh got home and called for you and you didn't respond. He went to your room and found you passed out in a pool of your own blood" Simon continued the story.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now