Chapter 76

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Sam froze. There was no way this was real. Not a chance. She looked around to see everyone staring at her, and this made her know that it was real, this was actually happening, her and Peter somehow got voted for Prom King and Queen. Sam was mortified, she could not have been more embarrassed in her entire life.

She looked over to her friends to see some of them smiling at her, urging her to go on stage with Peter who was walking up now, and the others were giving her dirty looks. Sheila was one of them. Sam could hear her whispering comments to her friends, which made Sam even more aware that what was happening was real. She stared at the stage, Peta already up there standing near their principal, and stared back at her friends.

"Go on" one of them mouthed.

Sam realised that if she just stood there in silence it would make this awkward situation somehow even more awkward. While her feet were moving and carrying her to the stage, her mind was spinning out of control. She knew everyone was watching her every step, one of those people being Deena. Sam felt so two-faced and so fake, how had her and Peter's "relationship" get voted the best out of tonight? You could throw two rocks in a crowd and it would hit two people that had more chemistry than them two.

Sam put one foot in front of the other carefully as she walked up the stairs in her heels. Peter didn't even bother to help her, he made her walk all the way to school for prom, might as well make her walk a little more. When Sam reached the top of the stage she knew she was shaking badly but had to maintain her composure so she didn't feel more embarrassed than she already did. She stood awkwardly next to Peter and just flashed a weak smile at him. He had a massive grin on his face, smiling from ear to ear. He put his arm around Sam and pulled her into his body against her will. His hand found it's way to laying on top of her ass again, and Sam felt the discomfort and rage flare up again.

"Aren't they just cute?" the principal asked the rest of their year.

There was no response, but a few giggles from some girls. Sam didn't want to look at anyone but her eyes wandered the hall. She saw Deena, and to Sam's surprise she was already looking at her. She thought Deena might have walked off or walked out when she heard that Peter and Sam were getting the award. Her face was somewhat expressionless other than the fact she looked very angry. Sam felt an unsettling feeling in the pits of her stomach as she deciphered Deena's expression to reveal her anger and utmost disappointment. She looked away, ears now filling with tears. She was sad she had been groped all night by Peter, she was sad that her friends lied about what Sam said, she was sad that she was up here on this stage with anyone other than Deena. Sam didn't belong to anyone but her, she couldn't.

Teachers emerged from the curtains behind her and Peter, and they brought out a tiara and a crown, both of them sitting on red velvet pillows. They approached the principal and he picked the crown up first and placed it on Peter's head. Sam could almost smell the narcissism radiating off of him in that moment. The principal then turned to Sam and slid the tiara into her hair. He backed away with the mic.

"Give a round of applause for the 1994 Prom King and Queen!" the principal shouted.

Most people in the hall were cheering. The cheers came from Peter's friends yelling as most people were just clapping with a disappointed or unsatisfied look on their faces. Sam desperately found Deena in the crowd and saw that she was clapping slowly while holding the direct eye contact with Sam. Sam's lip quivered slightly as she held back her tears. She felt so bad for Deena having to watch her and a guy they both hated get crowned as the "cutest couple".

Sam continued looking around the room and noticed that Sheila and her friends weren't clapping for Sam at all, and were in fact telling others to stop clapping for Sam. Some people listened because Sheila could be frightening at times, but most kept clapping because at her extreme Sheila was just very annoying. Even though they weren't real friends and Sheila was a terrible person and always had been, Sam couldn't help but feel another layer of hurt on top of Deena when she saw Sheila trying to get everyone else to stop clapping.

Just as the cheers began to die down, a group of Peter's friends started chanting something that got the rest of the guys in the hall to chant as well.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" all the guys cheered in unison.

Sam looked over to Peter to see the most disgustingly evil grin on his face. This was stroking his ego too much and he was basking in his limited glory. The principal handed him the microphone and turned it on for him. Peter graciously accepted.

"What an honour!" he shouted at first, and his friends all cheered the second he spoke.

"Thank you all for being smart and voting for me and my hot ass girl, there really was no other couple that could match us, huh babe?" he said, asking Sam.

Sam had tried to disassociate during his speech to avoid the humiliation he was going to unknowingly bring on the both of them.

"Babe?" Peter asked into the mic, and it reverbed.

The sound brought Sam back into reality when she saw that everyone was staring at her once again and it was silent.

"Oh y-yeah. Thank you" Sam said quickly.

He took the mic back and started to go on a rant about football, and Sam was thankful only in this moment that Peter loved the sound of his own voice because she wanted him to use all the time so she didn't have to say anything. Sam looked at Deena and Deena, Kate and Simon were all following Peter's movements on stage, laughing at him in a condescending way. For some reason this made Sam smile, she was glad that they noticed how stupid he was. Hopefully they saw through the fact that she never liked him, she never had and never will. Peter was continuing with his rant and Sam was about to make her way off stage until the principal intervened.

"Thank you, Mr Chernin. I said thank you!" he shouted, snatching the microphone out of Peter's hands, leaving him very disgruntled.

"I think Miss Fraser deserves to speak too, no?" the principal said as Sam was about to walk off.

Oh god. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid. She didn't want to say anything, she had nothing prepared and she hated making things up on the spot.

"Sure" Sam said quietly.

The principal offered her the microphone with a large smile on his face. Sam reluctantly accepted. Her mind was running fast to think of the least corny thing she could say about Peter and being thankful. Anything to get her off this stage.

"Like Peter already said, thank you for voting for us. It's an honour, truly. I know some people don't agree, but I'm happy that enough of you are able to recognise the uhm.." Sam was about to finish her sentence but she just looked at Peter staring down at her. She didn't know how to describe their relationship.

"To recognise the authenticity of our relationship" Sam said quickly, looking away from Peter. She looked directly to Deena and she was scoffing at the word "authenticity". Sam knew why, and Sam agreed.

The relationship her and Peter had was nothing more than a sham, a lie. Peter always went out with other women that he called his "friends" because Sam refused over and over again to have sex with him. He always told her that he had "needs" and this always disgusted Sam. As she was looking at Deena, and into her eyes from so far away something shifted. It wasn't in her stomach or in her mind, but her heart. She felt that familiar swell in her chest and the warmth in her stomach that her gaze brought her. In that moment she realised that she could not be with anyone else but Deena. She was the realest thing to ever happen to Sam. Sam went quiet for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts, looking away from Deena. There where whispers and murmurs as she just stood their with the microphone on the stage.

"Actually, I take that back" Sam said into the microphone.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now