Chapter 67

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Kate and Simon had both refused to leave Deena's sight even for a second. They stayed with her all day and throughout the night, sleeping on the uncomfortable couches and chairs. They couldn't bear the thought of something happening and them not being there to witness it or note it.

They were woken up half way through the day by one of the nurses who were doing their usual rounds of the ICU patients. She opened the door and both Kate and Simon jerked awake. The nurse apologised as they yawned and stretched after only getting a few hours of sleep. The nurse took Deena's vitals and noted anything that changed and left swiftly after a few minutes.

Simon stretched in his chair, twisting his back to crack it while Kate was yawning continuously.

"I'm so tired, Si" she groaned as she yawned again.

"Me too" he breathed through his stretches.

Kate was about to start another conversation with Simon until they heard a loud knock on the door. The two of them looked at each other confused. The curtains were still closed so the room was dark and they couldn't see out. No one had visited Deena except Josh, but he had to leave early for school. He was going to come back after school finished but it hadn't ended yet. There were three knocks again. Kate and Simon were stumped because the nurse had just come in and done everything that was needed.

The person knocked three times again.

"Come in..." Kate told them.

Simon turned to her and mouthed "What are you doing?" aggressively. Kate shrugged at him and they both watched the doorknob attentively at it slowly opened.

As the door creaked open slowly a tall, rugged old man appeared. He was wearing dirty construction clothes, his hair was greying and was a messy heap of brunette locks. He had overgrown stubble that was also greying. He was wearing thick steel-capped boots that were covered in mud and dirt.

"Mr Johnson?" Kate gasped.

The man that had just entered the room was Deena's father, Craig Johnson. Deena rarely ever saw him these days as he was working a FIFO construction job. FIFO meant that he would be flown in and out of different parts of America to work on different projects. He would be gone for weeks at a time and would only be allowed to return back to Shadyside for a maximum of two weeks. Of course, with Deena's luck, he was always called out on another job before he could even stay a full week. Within those few days he was back home he'd be too drunk to have a genuine conversation with Deena.

Deena hadn't seen him for just under two months as he was working on a large project in Pennsylvania. His pay checks would be sent directly to Deena to pay for rent, bills and anything else that needed to be paid for.

"Hey Kate. Hey Simon." he said with a low grumble in his throat.

His voice seemed aggressive, but in reality he was just exhausted from working constantly. He was a kind man when we wanted to be, but most of the time he was too tired to care. He had a big smile on his face when he saw Kate and Simon though. They were the only friends of Deena's that he ever really approved of.

"Is everything alright, Mr Johnson?" Simon asked him being more polite than usual.

"Well my daughter's in a... what'd they say? Coma? So I guess not" he snarked at Simon.

Simon frowned at this comment and Craig realised what he had said. He sighed and slowly walked over to one of the empty chairs next to Simon. He lowered himself into the chair and let out a low groan as he sat down.

"Sorry, Si. Just had a long few weeks at work" he told him honestly.

"It's okay, that's completely understandable" Simon squeaked in a scared voice from the large man choosing to sit right next to him.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now