Chapter 65

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This caused Sam's stomach to churn.

"Wait, what does that mean?" she asked.

"It means that if she's even alive by the time you apologise you can try but I can almost guarantee she won't accept it" Kate said coldly.

Sam's stomach dropped. This felt like a sick prank.

"I don't know where you get off on playing a prank like this on me b-" Sam tried to scold her before Kate's voice screeched again.

"Are you stupid? This isn't a prank, Sam! She's in the hospital, because of YOU" she screamed at Sam.

It took a few moments of hearing Kate's heavy breathing for Sam to realise this wasn't a joke and that Kate was being very serious. Deena was in the hospital.

"Wait, you're being serious?" Sam asked, now beginning to panic.

"You seriously think I wouldn't be yelling at your pathetic ass over the phone if I wasn't being serious?" Kate hissed. Sam could hear the eyeroll through the phone.

"What the hell happened? Is she okay? What's going on?" Sam cried out as she started running her hands through her hair out of stress. Her mind was running at a million miles trying to understand what happened or why Deena could possibly be in the hospital.

"Remember when you humiliated her in front of everyone? And then remember when Sheila's friends asked if she was bothering you and you said YES?" Kate snarked over the phone.

It all came back to Sam in that moment. The memories flooded her mind and she realised that she set off Sheila's friends to attack and humiliate Deena, but Sam didn't care about anyone else in that moment. She wanted to punch herself in the face because of how mad she was at herself for being so selfish and careless.

"Oh my god" Sam breathed into the phone. She was disgusted with herself.

"You finally realised it, huh?" Kate asked her sarcastically.

Sam couldn't reply to this. She was in so much shock and horror that phone fell out of her hands and swung in the air. She sprinted out her front door only to be met with an extremely heavy rain. She didn't care. She had only one thing on her mind.

She sprinted through the rain, within a few seconds she and her clothes were entirely soaked, but she didn't care. She just kept running. She had never run so fast in her life, she couldn't feel her feet. They were swashing around as the roads and pathways were flooded from the rain. She wiped the water out of her eyes as she ran as fast as she could to the hospital. She wasn't thinking about anything other than Deena. She was crying the entire time, her tears were falling rapidly down her face and mixing with the rain as Sam sped through the side streets. She ran across busy roads without waiting for the lights to turn red, she almost got hit twice but it didn't matter.

She felt like she was running for hours. All the years doing track and cheer had been building her legs up for this moment. She could barely feel her legs anymore from how cold it was. The wind was piercing on her face and the rain only got heavier. It turned into hail along with a loud thunderstorm so bits of ice and hail were falling down and hitting Sam's face. She might have noticed that she was bleeding or how much pain her face was in if she wasn't solely focused on arriving at the hospital.

After what felt like years she turned into the street that the hospital was on. She felt relief as she approached the double doors and flung them open. It was warm and dry inside, and Sam was dripping water everywhere. She ran to the front desk and spoke between loud breaths.

"Deena. Johnson. What room?" she managed to get out as she was catching her breath.

There was a puddle of water underneath Sam as she was completely soaked. The lady at the desk gave her a weird look before returning to her computer, slowly typing and moving her mouse. Sam watched impatiently as the lady moved as slow as she could. Sam started tapping her fingers on the desk which irritated the lady at the desk.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now