Chapter 13

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The boys kicked the door once and it budged but didn't open completely. Simon pulled Deena into the vent as fast as she could, and Kate passed the vent up through Simon, and even though Deena didn't have time to fix it, she put her head down as she held the vent so it faced outwards and looked normal.

The second foot hit the door and it flung open.

There was no one there.

The three of them were so scared, and were so silent that Deena could hear her heartbeat beating against the metal. She was shaking, and had to look down so they wouldn't see her face in the vent. She hoped they wouldn't look too hard, otherwise it would be over for them.

"What the fuck?" one of the guys said.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" the other one shouted.

Sam was so angry she had gotten away, but also some part of her was relieved she didn't find Deena there. She didn't want to watch them beat her up.

The guys were so angry that they punched one of the mirrors and it shattered.

They heard more footsteps running fast. The rest of the football team and cheerleading team had appeared in the bathroom. Deena couldn't tell how many people, but she instantly heard about six or seven more voices. Tears started falling from her eyes silently from how scared she felt. Her fate rested on the critical thinking skills of a few jocks and some sheer dumb luck.

"Every other room in the school is clear."

"The rest of the gymnasium is clear too"

There was a shared groan.

"Where the fuck could that dyke and her gay friends have gone?"

There was silence for a few seconds until Deena heard Sam's voice speak.

"They couldn't have gotten far. They live a good distance from this shitty highschool, so just stakeout by her car."

"Which one is her car?"

"Trust me, you'll know. She's a Johnson, she's poor, so her car is probably beat up as fuck and dirt cheap. Look for the biggest shit box you can find."

Sam's comment angered Deena so much. She wanted to jump out and scream but she knew that if she did that she would not live to see the next day.

A feeling of relief was shared amongst the three of them when they heard some more muttering and then they heard footsteps leaving until no one was left.

They waited in that same position for another ten minutes just to make sure. It felt like a lifetime. Deena adjusted her head and slightly opened one eye and she saw no one in the bathroom, and no shadows in the locker room or showers. She also couldn't hear anyone else.

"I think we're okay" she could barely get those words out. Her breathing felt restricted, and she felt like she was going to pass out.

She quietly took the vent cover and rested it on Simon's legs. She crawled out of the vent as quickly as she could, using the walls of the cubicle to support her weight as she dropped herself down. She peeked around the corner and confirmed there was no one there.

"It's okay."

You could hear a very loud sigh of relief from Kate and Simon when Deena said they were okay. Deena was still shaking, and her clothes were damp from how much she was sweating.

She took a big gulp, and watched as Simon pushed himself out of the vent, and then helped Kate get out. They got the screws and fixed the vent cover, and they just stood there and took a moment to think and breathe. The silence was loud, and all three of them were feeling traumatised.  Kate finally lifted her head out of her hands and brought Deena in for a hug that was unexpected so Deena gasped.

Kate held her so tight, and Deena held her just as tight. They both felt Simon's large arms bring them both into his chest. They stayed in that position for a few minutes, and Deena couldn't help but sob. This night was so fucked up.

After a few minutes of their warm embrace, Kate wiped away the tears on Deena's face and gave her a consoling smile. Simon broke the silence.

"So... how do we get home exactly?"

Deena sighed, and Kate started rubbing her temples, trying to think about what to do.

"Well, we can't go back to my house. The girls all know where I live." Kate said.

They looked at Simon.

"We can't go to mine, my druggie dad would kill us before Sam could." he tried to joke but neither Kate nor Deena was in a laughing mood.

"So we risk staying at my house?" Deena said.

"It's the only other option than homelessness." Kate sighed.

"We have to walk then. Remember Sam said they're going to be waiting by my car?"

Kate and Simon groaned at the thought of having to walk 20 minutes all the way to Deena's house. They washed their faces to calm down, and washed the sweat off their hands, and the three of them peaked around the wall of the gymnasium.

The coast was clear so they quietly exited the gym through the backdoors and began their journey home. They could see the car park from where they were, and they saw what looked like 30-40 people standing around Deena's car. Deena gulped and Kate held her hand, while Simon held the other. They squeezed her hand tight as they ran off school property.

They walked for what seemed like forever. Every noise they heard made them paranoid. They stopped about four times to take a break, and Simon almost passed out from fear after a stray cat scared him.

"It's not funny, it seriously sounded like someone was in the bushes."

They continued walking until they got to Fier Street and slowed their pace down, and scanned every possible place they could be hiding. They sprinted up Deena's driveway, and Deena fumbled with her keys, opened the door and the three of them ran in.

Deena slammed the screen door, and the following wood door shut, and did the locks on both of them. She did all three locks on the wooden door as well. Kate and Simon went around to every window and make sure it was locked. Simon also locked the skylight. They put all the blinds up until they felt like they were protected enough. They sat down on Deena's bed and they all sighed with relief. The sigh was heavy, and felt like a fifty tonne weight had been sitting on their shoulders. Each of them took turns showering and changed into a spare set of Deena's clothes. They were a little tight on Simon, but he was okay with that.

Deena set up two beds on the floor for them two, and she finally felt okay again once she was wrapped up in her own bedsheets, holding her Pixies shirt that belonged to her mother. She held it tightly, and the tears began falling again.

That's how she fell asleep. Clutching her mother's favourite shirt, crying.

Kate and Simon fell asleep spooning each other.

They finally felt like they were safe.

Look at me | SAM x DEENA | FEAR STREET 1994 |Where stories live. Discover now