Joke 106: The Irish/Paddy/Micks.

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Seamus is on his way home from college when he stops at a toilet to relieve himself. As he enters the bathroom he notices a leprechaun at the urinals. He walks up to the urinal next to it and starts doing his business, but while doing so can't help but notice that this leprechaun has a HUGE dick.

Seamus tells the leprechaun, "Hey man, sorry to intrude, but your dick is fucking HUGE. All my problems would be solved if I had a dick that big."

The leprechaun answers, "Well kid, just so happens that me being a leprechaun, I can grant you anything you want, you just gotta let me fuck you in the arse."

Seamus is shocked, "Seriously?" He asks.

"Yeah, absolutely," replies the leprechaun.

Seamus thinks about the offer, and decides he can't pass it up. So the leprechaun follows Seamus into the cubicle and starts fucking him from behind.

Mid stroke the leprechaun asks, "What's your name kid?"

"S-eeaaammmmuusss," he replies in agony.

"How old are you Seamus?"

"Tw-tw-twenty threeeeee"

The leprechaun says..., "aren't you a little too old to be believing in leprechauns?"


On Irish radio there is a guy called Larry Gogan who has been running the "Just-a-Minute quiz" every lunchtime for years. These are actual answers from some contestants...

1. Q: Something a blind man might use?

A: A sword

2. Q: A Song with the word Moon in the title?

A: Blue Suede Moon

3. Q: Name the Capital of France?

A: "F"

4. Q: Name a bird with a long neck?

A: Naomi Campbell

5. Q: Name an occupation where you might need a torch?

A: A burglar

6. Q: Where is the Taj Mahal?

A: Opposite the dental hospital

7. Q: What is Hitler's first name

A: Heil

8. Q:  As happy as.... (Larry gave a hint - think of my name)

A: A pig in shit

9. Q: Some famous brothers

A: Bonnie and Clyde.

10. Q: A dangerous race

A: The Arabs

11. Q: Something that floats in a bath

A: Water

12. Q: An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers

A: A horse

13. Q: Something you wear on a beach

A: A deck-chair

14. Q: A famous Royal

A: Mail

15. Q: Something that flies that doesn't have an engine

A: A bicycle with wings

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