Joke 12: Travelling Salesman.

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One day a travelling salesman was driving around rural Wales and decided to stay the night in a farmhouse. After enjoying a fine meal with the farmer, the salesman turned to him and said, "What is it like for hiring a companion for the evening?"

"Well," replied the farmer, "I'm afraid there are not many women around these parts. But there's always Arthur........., isn't it"

"Oh?" said the salesman, intrigued, "How much does he charge then?"

"It will cost you £100...., isn't it," replied the farmer.

The salesman thought for a minute then said, "That's a bit expensive!"

"Well," said the farmer, "the local magistrate takes out £40 because he doesn't approve of those kind of things....., isn't it."

"Oh," answered the man, "so that's £40 for the magistrate and £60 for Arthur."

The farmer shook his head, "No, the local constable also takes £40 because he doesn't approve of those kind of things...., isn't it."

"Jesus," replied the salesman, "So the magistrate gets £40, the constable gets £40 that only leaves £20 for Arthur! That's no way to make a living!"

The farmer shook his head again and said, "No! We pay Gareth and Dai £10 each to hold Arthur down, because he doesn't approve of that sort of thing either...., isn't it."

Quick Giggle.🤭

Japanese scientists have created a camera  with such an immensely fast shutter speed that it is now possible to take a photograph of my mother-in-law with her mouth shut.

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M❤️&T 💋💋 aka DupliTwins

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