A new girlfriend ¡ Cricket [Big city greens]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Bill say. "Hey, mom, have you heard the news? Cricket just broke up with Gabriella."

"Oh no, that's terrible."

"I can't believe it! They seemed so happy together." Tilly say.

Cricket enter the room with a smile. "Hey guys, I have something to tell you."

"What is it, son?"

"I know you're all worried about me breaking up with Gabriella, but the truth is, I'm actually really happy."

"Happy? But why?" Grandmother Alice asks.

"Because I've fallen in love with someone else. Her name is Y/n, and she's amazing."

"Wait, so you broke up with Gabriella because of Y/n?" His sister asks.

"Yes, Tilly. Y/n makes me feel alive in a way I've never felt before. I couldn't deny my feelings for her any longer."

"Well, Cricket, if Y/n makes you happy, then we're happy for you too." Bill smile. "When can we meet her?"

"Actually, that's why I brought her here today. Y/n, come on in!"

Y/n enters the room and smiles shyly. "Hi everyone, it's nice to finally meet all of you."

Grandma Alice say. "Oh my, she's absolutely lovely!"

"Cricket, you've made a good choice. Y/n seems really sweet." Tilly say.

"Welcome to the family, Y/n. We're glad to have you here." Bill say.

"Thank you all for being so supportive. Y/n and I are really excited to start this new chapter together."

They all gather around and share stories, getting to know Y/n better and embracing the new love in Cricket's life.

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