Broken glass ¡ Riley [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Riley stormed off the ice, her frustration palpable. The hockey game had been a disaster. They were leading by one goal until the final minutes when a series of unfortunate events allowed the opposing team to score twice, stealing the victory right out from under them. Riley blamed herself. As the team captain, she felt responsible for the loss.

In her frustration, Riley headed to the locker room, barely noticing the broken glass near the bench. As she kicked off her skates in anger, she accidentally knocked a shard of glass onto the floor. Without noticing, she reached down to grab her bag, and the glass sliced into her palm. Pain shot through her hand, and she cursed under her breath.

Y/n, her best friend and teammate, heard the commotion and rushed over. "Riley, what happened?" Y/n's voice was filled with concern as she saw blood trickling down Riley's hand.

"It's nothing," Riley muttered, trying to brush it off, but Y/n wouldn't let her.

"Let me see," Y/n insisted, gently taking Riley's hand in hers. She frowned when she saw the cut, which was deeper than Riley had initially let on. "We need to clean this up. Come on, let's get it taken care of."

Riley sighed but followed Y/n to the first aid kit. Y/n carefully cleaned the wound and bandaged Riley's hand while Riley sat there, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude.

"I can't believe I let this happen," Riley muttered, her voice heavy with disappointment.

Y/n finished wrapping the bandage around Riley's hand and then sat down beside her. "Hey, accidents happen. It's not your fault."

"But the game..." Riley started, feeling the weight of the loss again.

"You did your best out there," Y/n interrupted gently. "And sometimes things don't go our way. That doesn't make it your fault. We win as a team, and we lose as a team."

Riley nodded, her frustration beginning to ebb away. Y/n always had a way of grounding her, of putting things into perspective. She leaned her head against Y/n's shoulder gratefully.

"Thanks, Y/n," Riley finally said, her voice soft. "I needed that."

Y/n smiled and gave her a reassuring squeeze with her uninjured hand. "Anytime, Riley. Now, let's get you home and make sure that hand heals up nicely."

As they left the locker room together, Riley felt a sense of relief wash over her. The sting of the loss still lingered, but with Y/n by her side, she knew she could face whatever challenges came next, both on and off the ice.

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