Stories ¡ Leo [Leo]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Leo, the jaded old lizard with a heart of gold, basked under the warm glow of the classroom lamp. He lazily flicked his tail as he observed the students shuffling in for another day of learning. From his perch on a tree branch in the terrarium, he glanced over at Squirtle, who was leisurely paddling around in the shallow pool.

Leo let out a sigh. "Another year, another group of students. It's always the same routine, isn't it, Squirtle?"

Squirtle poked his head out from under the water and nodded slowly. "Yep, same old song and dance. I've lost track of how many summers have passed us by."

Just then, Y/n, a curious student with a penchant for observing the terrarium's inhabitants, approached Leo's terrarium. Y/n peered in with wide eyes, marveling at Leo and Squirtle.

"Hey there, Leo." Y/n greeted with a warm smile. "You seem lost in thought today. What's on your mind?"

Leo turned to face Y/n and flashed a toothy grin. "Ah, just reminiscing about the good old days and watching these young folks come and go. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to venture beyond these glass walls."

Y/n's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "I bet you have so many stories to tell, Leo. Have you really been here for that long?"

Leo chuckled softly. "Oh, longer than you can imagine, Y/n. But enough about me. What brings you to our little corner of the classroom today?"

Y/n settled down next to the terrarium and began chatting with Leo and Squirtle about their observations of the students and their dreams of exploring beyond the confines of their classroom home.

As they shared stories and exchanged laughter, Leo felt a renewed sense of purpose. Perhaps there was more to life within these walls than he had previously thought.

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