Goodbye is part of life ¡ Joy [Inside out]

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Pov Joy

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Pov Joy

"I can't believe we're leaving everything behind. It's so hard to accept that things won't be the same now that Riley and her family are going to another city."

"I understand how you feel, Joy. Change can be tough, but it also brings new opportunities and adventures, were both her emotions and we will help her with everything she needs."

"But I'll miss our old house, our friends, and the familiar places we used to go."

Y/n also looks sad. "I know it's difficult to say goodbye, but remember, life is about growth and embracing new experiences."

"I'm scared of starting over in a new city. What if our girl don't fit in or make new friends?"

"Change is always a bit scary, but it also opens doors to meet amazing people and discover different perspectives."

"I guess you're right. It's just hard to imagine life without everything we've known for so long."

"It's normal to feel that way, Joy." She touches my hand. "But think of it as a fresh start, a chance to create new memories and build a future."

"I'll try my best to be positive, I'm the happy emotion after all, but I'll miss our old neighborhood and all the familiar faces."

"We'll always carry those memories with us, Joy. They'll forever be a part of who we are."

"I'm grateful to have you by my side, Y/n. You always know how to help me see things differently."

"That's what friends are for, Joy. We support each other through the ups and downs of life."

"Thank you for reminding me that goodbye is just a part of life's journey."

"You're welcome, Joy. Together, we'll navigate this new chapter and make it an exciting adventure."

I say taking a deep breath. "Alright, let's embrace the unknown and make the most out of this new city and new house."

"That's the spirit, Joy. I have a feeling that great things await us in this new chapter of our lives."

"I'm ready to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. Let's make it unforgettable to Riley."

"Absolutely, Joy. Here's to new beginnings and the beautiful journey ahead of us."

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