Never give up ¡ Casey [Moon girl and devil dinosaur]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Casey and Y/n sat on the grass in the park, enjoying the warm summer afternoon in NYC. Y/n looked down, feeling defeated.

Casey noticed Y/n's dejected expression and asked. "Hey, what's wrong? You seem a bit down today."

Y/n sighed. "I'm just struggling with this math problem. I've been trying for hours, and I still can't figure it out. I feel like giving up."

Casey smiled reassuringly. "Hey, it's okay to ask for help, you know. Sometimes we all need a little guidance. Let me take a look at that problem."

Casey studied the math problem and explained it to Y/n in a different way. "See, sometimes all it takes is a fresh perspective. Don't be afraid to seek help when you need it. Asking for help doesn't mean you're weak; it means you're strong enough to admit when you don't know something."

Y/n nodded, feeling encouraged by Casey's words. "You're right. I shouldn't give up so easily. Thanks for helping me out and for reminding me that it's okay to ask for help."

Casey grinned. "Of course! We all need a little push sometimes. Just remember, never give up on yourself or your dreams. You've got this!"

Y/n smiled back, feeling motivated and ready to tackle the math problem once again.

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