Finding family ¡ Gabi [Vivo]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Y/n had always felt like something was missing in her life. Despite having friends and acquaintances, she longed for a deeper connection, a sense of belonging that had eluded her for years. It wasn't until she met Gabi, a vibrant and outgoing individual with a passion for music, that things began to change.

Gabi and Y/n became fast friends after a chance encounter at a local music event. They bonded over their shared love of music and soon found themselves spending more and more time together. As they grew closer, Y/n began to feel a sense of warmth and acceptance that she hadn't experienced before.

One day, while spending time at Gabi's home, Y/n stumbled upon an old photo album. As they flipped through the pages, Gabi began sharing stories about her family, particularly her close relationship with her late father. Y/n couldn't help but feel a pang of longing as she listened to Gabi's tales of love and support.

Gabi noticed Y/n's wistful expression and gently asked about her own family. Y/n hesitated at first, unsure of how much to share. But as she looked into Gabi's compassionate eyes, she found herself opening up in a way she never had before. Over time, Y/n found herself spending more and more time with Gabi's family. She was welcomed with open arms, and the warmth and love she received from them filled a void she hadn't even realized was there. Whether it was sharing meals together, attending music events, or simply spending quiet evenings chatting, Y/n felt like she had finally found the family she had been searching for.

As their bond deepened, Y/n discovered that family isn't just about blood relations; it's about the connections we form with others, the love we give and receive, and the sense of home we create together. "Hey, Y/n, come take a look at this photo album. These are some memories I hold dear."

"Wow, your family looks so close-knit. I wish I had something like that."

"You do now! You're part of our family too my mom and Vivo love you, you know."

"Thank you, Gabi. I never imagined feeling this kind of connection with anyone."

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