Babe? ¡ Dave [The Neighborhood]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Dave, feeling his heart race, mustered up the courage to greet his crush and neighbor, Y/n. As he saw her walking towards him, he nervously blurted out. "Hi babe!"

Y/n, taken aback by the unexpected endearment, looked at Dave with a mix of confusion and surprise. "Babe? Um, what?" she replied, eyebrows raised.

Realizing his slip-up and feeling his face turn red, Dave quickly stammered, "Oh! Uh, sorry! I was just joking! Just trying to be funny."

Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at Dave's nervousness. She playfully nudged his arm and said, "Well, you definitely got me there for a second! You're such a goofball."

Feeling relieved that Y/n didn't take it too seriously, Dave's smile widened. He mustered up the courage to lean in and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Y/n blushed at the unexpected gesture but smiled warmly at Dave. "You know what? You're not so bad yourself." she said teasingly.

From that moment on, their friendship blossomed into something more. Dave's playful joke had broken down the barriers between them, leading to many more lighthearted moments and affectionate gestures shared between the two neighbors turned lovers.

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