A cold night ¡ Aura [The academy of magic]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

On a cold night, Y/n shivered with cold, enveloped by the chilly breeze that came through the slightly open windows. Aura, her caring girlfriend, noticed Y/n's discomfort and quickly grabbed the warmest nightgown she had. "Here, love, put this on. You'll feel better." Aura said with a gentle smile, extending the nightgown to Y/n.

Y/n took the nightgown, feeling her cheeks flush with Aura's kindness. "Thank you, you always think of everything." Y/n replied as she wrapped herself in the nightgown, appreciating the warmth that began to envelop her.

Aura smiled and hugged Y/n. "I just want you to be comfortable and happy. Now let's snuggle up together and chase away this cold." Aura said softly, guiding Y/n closer to her.

And so, nestled under the warm nightgown, Y/n felt grateful to have someone as caring and loving as Aura by her side.

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