You are not alone, I am here ¡ Magnifico [Wish]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

The kingdom of Rosas, where Magnifico reigns with an iron grip. Y/n, a compassionate and free-spirited individual, seeks to challenge Magnifico's rigid control over the wishes of the kingdom's inhabitants.

Y/n say approaching Magnifico with unwavering determination. "Your Highness, I come to you with a humble request."

"State your request, but know that I hold the power to grant or deny it."

"I ask for the freedom to help those whose wishes have been stifled and controlled. They deserve to know that they are not alone in their struggles."

"The wishes of our subjects are under my guardianship for their own protection. You speak of interfering with my sacred duty."

Y/n was gently but resolutely. "Your Highness, I understand your intentions, but I have witnessed the despair that arises from the absence of hope. You may guard their wishes, but in doing so, you deny them the chance to connect with others and find solace in shared experiences."

"You dare challenge the very foundation of my rule. What makes you believe that your presence can make a difference?"

Y/n: meet Magnifico's gaze with compassion. "Because I believe in the power of empathy and understanding. When someone feels alone in their struggle, a single voice saying 'You are not alone, I am here' can change everything."

"And how do you propose to convey this message to those who have lost hope?"

"Through genuine connection and unwavering support. By listening to their stories, sharing in their sorrows, and offering a beacon of hope in their darkest moments."

Magnifico pause thoughtfully. "Your words carry an unexpected weight. Perhaps there is merit in your approach, though it challenges everything I have upheld."

"Your Highness, change is not an abandonment of duty; it is an evolution toward a greater purpose. Together, we can create a kingdom where wishes are honored and individuals find strength in unity." As Y/n's words sink in, Magnifico begins to see beyond his need for control and into a realm where compassion reigns over rigidity. A transformative journey unfolds as Y/n and Magnifico embark on a collaborative effort to nurture the kingdom's inhabitants with empathy and understanding.

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