My father's advice ¡ Stan [American dad]

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Pov Y/n

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Pov Y/n

"Hey, Y/n! Prom is coming up, and I want to make sure you have the best night of your life. " My dad appreciate.

I look at him. "Thanks, Dad! I'm really excited but also a bit nervous."

"Don't worry." He sits by my side. "I've got some advice for you. First, make sure to choose a dress that makes you feel confident and comfortable. "

"That's a good point, Dad. I'll start looking for the perfect dress."

"Great! And remember, prom is about having fun with your friends, so don't stress too much about finding a date."

"Yeah, I've been thinking about that. I'll just go with my friends and enjoy the night."

"That's the spirit! Now, when it comes to dancing, don't be afraid to let loose and have a great time on the dance floor."

"I'll definitely try to have fun and show off some moves!"

"Good! And don't forget to take lots of pictures. You'll want to capture these memories."

"Absolutely, Dad. I'll make sure to take plenty of photos with my friends."

"Lastly, remember to stay safe and make responsible choices. Don't give in to peer pressure or engage in risky behavior."

I hug him. "Don't worry, Dad. I'll make smart choices and look out for myself and my friends."

"That's my girl! Have an amazing prom night, Y/n. You deserve it."

"Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate your advice and support. I'll make sure it's a night to remember!"

"I know you will, Y/n. Now go out there and have a blast!"

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