Our new little child ¡ Erica [The Goldbergs]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Erica held the baby in her arms, a beaming smile on her face. She looked at Y/n, her partner, and said emotionally. "We did it. He's perfect."

Y/n smiled back and caressed the baby's face tenderly. "He takes after you, Erica. Look at those smart eyes!"

Erica laughed softly and replied. "Well, he's lucky to have inherited my intelligence. And I hope he has your musical talent too, because we're going to form a family band!"

Y/n laughed and kissed Erica on the forehead. "I'm sure he'll have the best of both worlds. And hey, maybe having a little brother will help him understand how to deal with life's ups and downs."

Erica made a playful face. "Oh, be serious. I can barely deal with my own brothers, let alone one more!"

They laughed together, sharing that special moment as the baby slept peacefully in their arms.

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