After all, he has a sensitive side ¡ Jax [The amazing digital circus]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the circus grounds, Jax and Y/n found themselves sitting on a quiet bench, away from the bustling activities of the day. The sounds of laughter and music from the earlier performances had faded into the background, leaving a serene atmosphere in their wake.

Y/n glanced over at Jax, who was usually the life of the party, cracking jokes and pulling pranks on everyone around him. However, tonight was different. There was a palpable sense of vulnerability in Jax's demeanor, a departure from his usual lightheartedness.

"Hey, Jax, you seem quieter than usual." Y/n remarked, concern evident in their voice.

Jax looked up, his typically sassy expression softened by a hint of introspection. "Yeah, I guess I've just been thinking about some stuff lately." he admitted, his usually quick wit replaced by a more contemplative tone.

Y/n nodded understandingly. "Is everything okay?" they asked, placing a comforting hand on Jax's shoulder.

Jax let out a sigh before speaking again. "You know, being the funny guy all the time is exhausting. It's like I'm expected to be this larger-than-life character, but sometimes I just want to be... me." he confessed, his guard visibly lowering as he revealed his inner turmoil to Y/n.

Y/n listened attentively, realizing that there was more to Jax than met the eye. "I understand." they replied softly. "It's okay to show your vulnerable side. You don't always have to be the life of the party."

A sense of relief washed over Jax as he realized that Y/n accepted him for who he truly was beneath the facade of humor and bravado. For once, he felt seen and understood in a way that went beyond his comedic persona.

This unexpected moment of emotional honesty strengthened the bond between Jax and Y/n, bringing them closer together in a way neither had anticipated.

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