Hearts, music and trip ¡ Riley [Inside out 2]

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Pov Nobody

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Pov Nobody

Riley and Y/n had been planning this coastal road trip for weeks. They both loved the ocean, and the idea of escaping the city for a day filled them with excitement. Riley drove, and Y/n navigated, occasionally adjusting the playlist they had meticulously curated for the journey.

They drove along the winding coastal highway, windows down to let in the salty breeze and the sound of crashing waves. The sun was warm, casting a golden hue over everything it touched. As they approached a particularly scenic overlook, Riley slowed the car and pulled over.

"This looks like a perfect spot," Y/n said, unbuckling their seatbelt. "Let's take a break here."

Riley agreed, turning off the engine. They both stepped out of the car and walked to the edge of the overlook, taking in the breathtaking view of the expansive ocean below.

Y/n reached into their bag and pulled out a pair of headphones. "Hey, I thought we could try something different," they said with a playful smile. "Want to listen to music together, but with these?"

Riley grinned, intrigued by the idea. "Sure! How does it work?"

Y/n explained, handing Riley one of the headphones and plugging the other into their phone. They settled back into the car, leaning comfortably against the seats with their shoulders touching. Riley adjusted the volume, and soon the soft melody of a favorite acoustic song filled their ears.

"This is nice," Riley remarked, closing their eyes briefly.

"Yeah, it's like our own private concert," Y/n replied softly, their hand finding Riley's and intertwining their fingers.

As the music continued to play, they both hummed along quietly, occasionally sharing comments about the songs or reminiscing about past memories they associated with each track. At one point, a particularly moving song came on, and Y/n squeezed Riley's hand gently.

"I love this song," Y/n murmured, their voice filled with emotion.

Riley smiled warmly, their heart fluttering at the sincerity in Y/n's voice. "Me too," they whispered back, reaching over with their free hand to form a heart in the air between them.

Y/n giggled softly, mirroring Riley's gesture. "You're cheesy," they teased gently, their eyes sparkling with affection.

Riley chuckled, feeling completely at ease in Y/n's presence. "Guilty as charged," they admitted with a playful wink.

They sat like that for a while longer, enjoying the music, the view, and each other's company. As the sun began to set, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, they reluctantly unplugged the headphones and started the car.

"Ready to head back?" Riley asked, already missing the peacefulness of their shared moment.

"Yeah," Y/n replied softly, their gaze lingering on Riley for a moment longer before turning to look out at the fading horizon. "But let's do this again sometime."

Riley smiled, their heart feeling full. "Definitely," they agreed wholeheartedly, knowing that moments like these were what made their relationship so special.

As they drove back home, the playlist continued to play softly in the background, weaving through their conversations and laughter. And in the weeks and months that followed, whenever they heard one of those songs again, whether together or apart, they would always remember that day when they listened to music through shared headphones, formed a heart with their hands, and felt deeply connected in their love.

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