Trapped in the circus ¡ Zooble [The amazing digital circus]

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Pov Y/n

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Pov Y/n

Zooble say frustrated. "Why can't things just stay where they're supposed to be? This is a mess!"

"Hey, Zooble, calm down. It's not that big of a deal." I hug they.

"Not a big deal? It's everything! I need my pieces in the right place. I need to know who I am!"

Pomni approaches the events of her escape attempt last week more calmly, Ragatha certainly helped her calm down a little. "I understand, Zooble. I feel the same way sometimes. I wish I knew where I belong."

"It's like I'm made up of all these different parts, but none of them fit together perfectly. It's exhausting."

"We're all a little mixed up, Zooble." Even I have problems being trapped here but I'm sure we'll escape. "But maybe that's what makes us unique. We don't have to have it all figured out."

"You might be onto something, Y/n. Maybe being a bit of everything isn't so bad after all."

"Yeah, and we have each other to figure it out together. We can help each other find our place out of here." Pomni smiles.

"Thanks, guys. I guess it's not about having all the answers. It's about the journey of discovering who we are, piece by piece."

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